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Q: How many troops did Washington send for the whiskey rebellion?
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How did Washington react to the Whiskey rebellion?

George Washington did react to the whiskey rebellion by sending many federal soldiers who crushed the rebellion.

How many troops did US President George Washington send to end the Whiskey Rebellion?

US President Washington knew he had to keep order and end the Whiskey Rebellion. He personally led 12,000 troops to end it. The troops were militias from New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Maryland. It should be noted that Alexander Hamilton's new tax laws created the rebellion.

What did Jefferson think about George Washingtons action in addressing the Whiskey Rebellion?

Thomas Jefferson thought that George Washington overreacted when he ordered the militia to stop the protestors during the Whiskey Rebellion. Many Americans agreed, resulting in Thomas Jefferson soon becoming President.

How did George Washington deal with the whiskey rebellion?

He stopped it by sending federal troops into western pennsylvania to end the protest once and for all. The significance o this action was that it showed the strength of the federal gov't (government) under the Constitution because they no longer used the Articles of Confederation. It was a fitting response to an immediate threat to the federal government.

How did Hamilton and Washington see the whiskey rebellion?

The Whiskey Rebellion was started by many United States citizens after the start of the Revolutionary War. President Washington resorted to using military force to put an end to the rebellion, but Jefferson hated the idea and considered it to be a dangerous mistake.

How many men died in the Whiskey Rebellion?

During the Whiskey Rebellion, there were no deaths from fighting. There was an estimated 12 people who died from illnesses or accidents.

What were many citizens most concerned about after the whiskey rebellion end?

Many citizens were most concerned about money after the end of the Whiskey Rebellion. The nations finances were a major concern at this time.

The significance of the whiskey rebellion on the American nation as a whole The analyzes of the whiskey rebellion in terms of the economic and political developments and conflicts in Southwestern pa?

The Whiskey Rebellion 1794 was an uprising in the Pennsylvania counties West of the Alleghenies, caused by Alexander Hamilton 's excise tax of 1791. The settlers, mainly Scotch-Irish, for whom whiskey was an important economic commodity, resented the tax as discriminatory and detrimental to their liberty and economic welfare. There were many public protests, and rioting broke out in 1794 against the central government's efforts to enforce the law. Troops called out by President Washington quelled the rioting, and resistance evaporated. Nevertheless Hamilton sought to make an example of the settlers and illustrate the newly created government's power to enforce its law; many were arrested. President Washington pardoned the two rebels who were convicted of treason. The tax was repealed in 1802.

What was the main cause of the Whiskey Rebellion?

The Whiskey Rebellion during George Washington's Administration where farmers, who had begun to use whiskey produced from surplus grain as a medium of exchange and store of value. This action made the whiskey a currency in the government's eyes and then they levied taxes against it at the instigation of Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton. The farmers protested this new tax using the same principles of "No Taxation without Representation" that were the basis for the American Revolution itself.

What was the historical event Whiskey Rebellion about?

The Whiskey Rebellion was a tax protest in the USA from 1791-1794. Farmers had been using left over corn and grain to make whiskey and then use it as a medium of exchange. They were forced to pay a new tax on this and many resisted.

What is the name of the uprising that convinced many people that the Articles of Confederation had to be replaced?

Whiskey Rebellion

What is name of the uprising that convinced many people that the article of confederation had to be replaced?

Whiskey Rebellion