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Q: How many troops fought World War 1 for the US?
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How many troops from India fought in World War 1?

yes they were in world war 2 because they helped the Americans

How many british troops fought in world war 1?

Around six million of which about 700,000 died.

What aspect of the Korean War indicates that it was a part of the Cold War as well as a civil war?

Many of the troops who supported North Korea were Chinese, while many of the troops who fought for South Korea were American.

How many troops fought in world war ll?

50 million from all 57 countries involved in the conflict

How many troops came home after World War 1?

Approximately 3.6 million troops from the United States returned home after World War 1.

How many southerners and northerners fought in the civil war?

the north had 2 million troops and the south had 800,000 troops

How many US troops were sent in the Korean War?

The answer is not approximate but around 1,500,000 fought.

How many buffalo soldiers fought in the civil war?

The answer ranges to 1 and 600. Hope the answer helps. 0 Buffalo Soldiers fought in the Civil War. 180,000 Color Troops fought in the Civil War

Where did the us fight at in world war 1?

The United States' troops fought on the Western Front in France.

What aspect of the Korean War indicates that it was a part of the Cold War as well as a ciivil war?

Many of the troops who supported North Korea were Chinese, while many of the troops who fought for South Korea were American.

World War I was fought?

in many locations of the world

Where World War I was fought?

in many locations in the world