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Q: How many turns of the cycle are required for the synthesis of one glucose molecule?
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Related questions

What molecule is required for aerobic conditions?

The glucose molecule is required for aerobic conditions. Glucose is broken down into molecules that along with oxygen enter the citric acid cycle. This produces energy during aerobic conditions.

What are the consumption of glucose in Krebs cycle?

The Krebs cycle runs twice for each molecule of glucose consumed.

How many Krebs cycle occur per glucose?


How many times does the Krebs cycle run to break down one glucose molecule?

The Krebs cycle runs twice to break down one molecule of glucose.

How many passes through the kreb's cycle are required to break down a glucose molecule completely?

It's completely broken down in 2 turns of the Krebs cycle (:

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How many CO2 are produced during the transition reaction and the citric acid cycle per glucose molecule?

During the transition reaction, one molecule of glucose produces 2 molecules of CO2. Then, during the citric acid cycle, an additional 4 molecules of CO2 are produced per glucose molecule. This results in a total of 6 molecules of CO2 produced during the transition reaction and citric acid cycle for each glucose molecule.

There are six carbon in glucose molecule C-1 to C-6 Which carbon is released as CO2 in tca cycle?

Carbon 1 and Carbon 4 in glucose molecule are released as CO2 in the TCA cycle.

How many CO2 molecules are produced by the Krebs Cycle for a molecule of glucose?


How many carbons from an original glucose molecule get into the tca cycle?


To produce one glucose the calvin cycle needs to be run through?

The Calvin cycle needs to be run through six times to produce one molecule of glucose. This is because each turn of the Calvin cycle fixes one molecule of carbon dioxide, and glucose has six carbons in its structure.

What molecule produced during the breakdown of glucose enters the Krebs cycle?

acetyl CoA