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Q: How many type of branch in chemistry for doing
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What does an automated chemistry analyzer do?

An automated chemistry analyzer is a type of medical laboratory tool. It is tasked with measuring and doing other related tasks with various chemicals from samples without a lot of human help.

What type of chemistry is determining the composition of a moon rock?

Geochemistry, analytical chemistry, physical chemistry ...

Main 10 branches of chemistry and their meaning?

i know only nine branches they r physical chemistry bio chemistry analytrical chemistry organic chemistry in organic chemistry industrial chemistry polymeric chemistry environmental chemistry nuclear chemistry meron pa ang chemis" chemisis umaasa! hehe helo tropapips bon pogi ito...

What is chemistry and what are the branches of chemistry?

Chemistry is the science that deals with the structure and composition of matter and the chemical reactions that are responsible for changing the state and properties of matter. Chemistry is the science of atoms, molecules, crystals and other aggregates of matter and the chemical processes that change their energy and entropy levels as also their structure and composition. Chemistry has been subdivided into distinct disciplines that deal with specific branches of chemistry. The different branches of chemistry deal with different fields of study of matter. Take a look at them.Different Branches of ChemistryOrganic Chemistry: This branch of chemistry deals with the study of the organic matter. The substances that primarily consist of carbon and hydrogen are termed as organic. The discipline that deals with the study of the structure, composition and the chemical properties of organic compounds is known as organic chemistry. This branch also deals with the chemical reactions that are used in the preparation of organic chemical compounds.Inorganic Chemistry: It is the branch of chemistry that relates to the structure, composition and behavior of inorganic compounds. All the substances other than the carbon-hydrogen compounds are classified under the group of inorganic substances. Oxides, sulphides and carbonates form the important classes of inorganic compounds. Industrial inorganic chemistry deals with the branch of applied science such as the manufacture of fertilizers, while the descriptive inorganic chemistry deals with the classification of compounds based on their properties.Analytical Chemistry: This is a very important branch of chemistry that deals with the analysis of the chemical properties of natural and man-made materials. The study does not restrict itself to any particular type of chemical compounds. Instrumental analysis is a prominent part of modern analytical chemistry. Analytical chemistry primarily deals with the study of the chemicals present in a substance, in what quantity they are, and how they define the chemical properties of the substance.Physical Chemistry: This branch of chemistry applies the theories of physics to atoms and subatomic particles. When physical chemistry is applied to the chemical interaction between atoms and subatomic particles, the study is known by the name, quantum mechanics. It is a relatively vast field that deals with intermolecular forces, rates of chemical reactions as well the conductivity of different materials.Biochemistry: This discipline of chemistry represents a peep of biology into chemistry. It deals with the structure and behavior of the components of cells and the chemical processes in living beings. The complex and large biomolecules are usually composed of similar units that repeat. The complex molecules are known as polymers and the basic units they are composed of, are known as monomers. Biochemistry deals with the study of cellular constituents like proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids as also the chemical processes that occur in cells.Nuclear Chemistry: It is a popular and one of the very important branches of chemistry that studies radioactivity. It revolves around the study of the nuclear properties of and the chemical processes in radioactive substances. This branch also covers the study of the equipment used for the performance of nuclear processes. The effects of the absorption of radiation, the production and use of radioactive materials and radiotherapy come under this branch of chemistry. Nuclear chemistry also deals with the non-radioactive areas of life.These were some of the different branches of chemistry. Chemistry is a very vast subject as it delves into the enormity of the universe. While dealing with the study of the structure and behavior of matter, it makes an attempt to encompass the study of the fundamental units that make up the universe.

What kind of chemistry deals with explosions?

All kinds of chemistry go into making explosives and explosions, including organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, electrochemistry, nuclear chemistry, analytical chemistry... really all kinds! Almost all explosives are made by some type of chemistry!

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Could you Enumerate and describe the branches of chemistry?

There are several branches of chemistry. Here is a list of the main branches of chemistry, with an overview of what each branch of chemistry studies.Agrochemistry- This branch of chemistry may also be called agricultural chemistry. It deals with the application of chemistry for agricultural production, food processing, and environmental remediation as a result of agriculture.Analytical Chemistry - Analytical chemistry is the branch of chemistry involved with studying the properties of materials or developing tools to analyze materials.Astrochemistry - Astrochemistry is the study of the composition and reactions of the chemical elements and molecules found in the stars and in space and of the interactions between this matter and radiation.Biochemistry - Biochemistry is the branch of chemistry concerned with the chemical reactions that occur inside living organisms.Chemical Engineering - Chemical engineering involves the practical application of chemistry to solve problems.Chemistry History - Chemistry history is the branch of chemistry and history that traces the evolution over time of chemistry as a science. To some extent, alchemy is included as a topic of chemistry history.Cluster Chemistry - This branch of chemistry involves the study of clusters of bound atoms, intermediate in size between single molecules and bulk solids.Combinatorial Chemistry - Combinatorial chemistry involves computer simulation of molecules and reactions between molecules.Electrochemistry - Electrochemistry is the branch of chemistry that involves the study of chemical reactions in a solution at the interface between an ionic conductor and an electrical conductor. Electrochemistry may be considered to be the study of electron transfer, particularly within an electrolytic solution.Environmental Chemistry - Environmental chemistry is the chemistry associated with soil, air, and water and of human impact on natural systems.Food Chemistry - Food chemistry is the branch of chemistry associated with the chemical processes of all aspects of food. Many aspects of food chemistry rely on biochemistry, but it incorporates other disciplines as well.General Chemistry - General chemistry examines the structure of matter and the reaction between matter and energy. It is the basis for the other branches of chemistry.Geochemistry - Geochemistry is the study of chemical composition and chemical processes associated with the Earth and other planets.Green Chemistry - Green chemistry is concerned with processes and products that eliminate or reduce the use or release of hazardous substances. Remediation may be considered part of green chemistry.Inorganic Chemistry - Inorganic chemistry is the branch of chemistry that deals with the structure and interactions between inorganic compounds, which are any compounds that aren't based in carbon-hydrogen bonds.Kinetics - Kinetics examines the rate at which chemical reactions occur and the factors that affect the rate of chemical processes.Medicinal Chemistry - Medicinal chemistry is chemistry as it applies to pharmacology and medicine.Nanochemistry - Nanochemistry is concerned with the assembly and properties of nanoscale assemblies of atoms or molecules.Nuclear Chemistry - Nuclear chemistry is the branch of chemistry associated with nuclear reactions and isotopes.Organic Chemistry - This branch of chemistry deals with the chemistry of carbon and living things.Photochemistry - Photochemistry is the branch of chemistry concerned with interactions between light and matter.Physical Chemistry - Physical chemistry is the branch of chemistry that applies physics to the study of chemistry. Quantum mechanics and thermodyamics are examples of physical chemistry disciplines.Polymer Chemistry - Polymer chemistry or macromolecular chemistry is the branch of chemistry the examines the structure and properties of macromolecules and polymers and finds new ways to synthesize these molecules.Solid State Chemistry - Solid state chemistry is the branch of chemistry that is focused on the structure, properties, and chemical processes that occur in the solid phase. Much of solid state chemistry deals with the synthesis and characterization of new solid state materials.Spectroscopy - Spectroscopy examines the interactions between matter and electromagnetic radiation as a function of wavelength. Spectroscopy commonly is used to detect and identify chemicals based on their spectroscopic signatures.Thermochemistry - Thermochemistry may be considered a type of Physical Chemistry. Thermochemistry involves the study of thermal effects of chemical reactions and the thermal energy exchange between processes.Theoretical Chemistry - Theoretical chemistry applies chemistry and physics calculations to explain or make predictions about chemical phenomena.

What are two branches of chemistry?

Chemistry is the branch of science that deals with the properties, composition and the structure of matter. It also deals with chemical reactions, changes in matter, and the principles which govern these changes. Lighting a fire, making ice cream, and riding in a hot air balloon all deal with chemistry.Below are the 6 MAIN Branches of chemistry... but there are many sub-branches1. Organic chemistry - the study of most carbon-containing compounds.2. Inorganic chemistry - the study of all substances not classified as organic, mainly those compounds that do not contain carbon.3. Physical chemistry - the study of the properties and changes of matter and their relation to energy.4. Analytical chemistry - the identification of the components and composition of materials.5. Biochemistry - the study of substances and processes occurring in living things.6. Theoretical chemistry - the use of mathematics and computers to understand the principles behind observed chemical behavior and to design and predict the properties of new compounds.Examples of sub-branches include geochemistry and electro-analytical chemistry.

What type of chemistry is cooking?

Cooking is not chemistry.

What does an automated chemistry analyzer do?

An automated chemistry analyzer is a type of medical laboratory tool. It is tasked with measuring and doing other related tasks with various chemicals from samples without a lot of human help.

What type of chemistry involves the nucleus of an atom?

nuclear chemistry

What type of chemistry is determining the composition of a moon rock?

Geochemistry, analytical chemistry, physical chemistry ...

Main 10 branches of chemistry and their meaning?

i know only nine branches they r physical chemistry bio chemistry analytrical chemistry organic chemistry in organic chemistry industrial chemistry polymeric chemistry environmental chemistry nuclear chemistry meron pa ang chemis" chemisis umaasa! hehe helo tropapips bon pogi ito...

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What is green chemistry?

a type of chemistry class that that uses enviorment safe materials

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What type of science studies how substances change?

Chemistry(:by, Miranda Limon.