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In Angiosperms , it is xylem vessels ( proto and meta xylem together ) , Xylem sclerenchyma and xylem parenchyma ; together form Xylem tissue ( That is why xylem is called a compound tissue ).

In Gymnosperms , xylem vessels are replaced by Xylem tracheids . All other tings are almost the same .

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ow many type of element together make up xylem tissue

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Q: How many types of elements together make up the xylem tissue?
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What tissues is found in the veins of the plants?

Xylem and phloem, they are two types of vascular tissue.

What types of plants have the least amount of xylem tissue?

Tulips have the least amount of xylem tissue.

What are the two different types of vascular tissue?

Phloem and xylem are the two main types of vascular tissue found in plants. Xylem is the tissue that mainly carries water, and a few minerals, in the system. Phloem is the tissue that carries photosynthetic materials through the plant.

Why xylem is a tissue?

The most distinctive cells found in xylem are the tracheary elements, that is tracheids and vessel elements. However, the xylem is a complex tissue of plants, which means that it includes more than one type of cell. This is why it is a tissue not a cell.

What are the two types of vascular tissue called?

The two types of vascular tissue are xylem and phloem. Xylem tissue moved water and materials dissolved in it from roots to leaves. Phloem tissue conducts nutrients.

What are two types vascular tissue?

Phloem and xylem

What is the 2 types of vascular tissue?

xylem and phloem

What are the types of vascular tissue in plants?

xylem and phloem

Which of these plant tissue types is composed of hollow nonliving tracheids and vessel elements that transport water and nutrient minerals from the roots to the leaves?


What does the tissue form?

Xylem is part of the vascular tissue of plants, and the xylem and phloem together are grouped together as the stele (latin for 'pillar'). Xylem tissue is encased in lignin, the substance that creates the strength of wood, causing the protoplasm (living part of the cell) to die, and therefore be dead tissue; phloem is living tissue.

What two types of vascular tissue in plants are?

xylem and phloem

What are the two types of plant vascular tissue?

xylem and phloem