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There are three types of orbitals that involve the third energy level. 3s, 3p, 3d. But when only looking at the third period of the Periodic Table... The 3s pertains to Na and Mg. 3p pertains to Al, Si, P, S, Cl, and Ar. These tables, as you could say, are called Electron Configurations. Therefore, for Argon, Ar, the electron configuration would be 1s22s22p63s23p6 or in shorter version: [Ne] 3s23p6.

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Q: How many types of orbitals are present in atoms of elements in the third period of the periodic table?
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The periodic table lists the elements and not compounds. Butane, C4H10, is an organic molecule / compound and hence is not present on the periodic table. The elements that make up butane (carbon and hydrogen) are present on the periodic table. Carbon: group 14, period 2 Hydrogen: group 1, period 1 Besides, group 2 elements are alkaline earth metals.

Write a sentence that describes the purpose of the periodic table?

The elements of the periodic table are arranged in groups and periods. All of the elements in a period have the same number of atomic orbitals where as in a group all the elements have the same number of valence electrons.

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All of these elements are present in period-2. They have 2 shells.

The period on the periodic table tells you what?

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The relationship is that the elements are organized by periods. Each row is a period and it goes from left to right. Each row is a period identified by different colors. Elements on the same row have something in common. All of the elements in a period have the same number of atomic orbitals. For example all the elements on the 1st row have only one orbital for its electrons. All the elements on the 2nd period (row) have two orbitals for its electrons. This repeats to period (row) 7. - Brian Tui