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Ruminants lack upper incisors. What they do have is a hard pad which they grind their food or regurgitated food against.

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Q: How many upper incisors do ruminants have?
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Does a giraffe have incisors on both upper and lower jaws?

As with cattle and other ruminants, giraffes have NO upper incisors or canines. There is a dental pad on top in front that works with the lower incisors. Further towards the rear, there are the molars for grinding.

Do sheep have incisors in their upper jaws?

No. Like cattle (and other ungulates that are known as ruminants), sheep do not have upper incisors.

How many incisors are in the upper jaw of a rabbit?

There are approximately Two Incisors in the upper jaw of a Rabbit

How many upper incisors does a 5 year old cow have?

None; cows have a hard dental pad instead of upper incisors.

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What are cow teeth called?

They are flat molars, similar to that of a human's. Cows have molars both on the top and bottom jaws. Do not confuse incisors with molars, because it's the incisors (the front teeth) that cows and other ruminants lack that make people say they have "no upper teeth."

Why does a cow have no upper teeth?

Because, through the process of evolution, ruminants have had no need for upper teeth. Cows also do not have flexible lips like horses do, so upper teeth are not needed. Instead they use their powerful tongues to grab and help rip forage from their stems with their lower incisors. Their lower incisors are also angled outwards (away from the mouth) to help with shearing and tearing off plants to eat.

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Do cow have deciduous teeth?

Yes with the molars. But cows do not have upper incisors, just lower incisors.

Do deer and goats have similarities?

Yes. Both share the family Bovidae. They both are herbivores, selective browsers and ruminants, animals which have a four-chambered stomach, no upper incisors and chew cud. Both have hooves, are prey animals, and are mammals. But that's about where the similarities end.

Do bulls have upper and lower teeth?

Bulls, like all cows, have upper and lower premolars and molars. However, they only have lower incisors - the upper incisors have been lost through evolution and replaced with a tough dental pad.