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The # of Valance electrons in the oxygen famly is 6

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9y ago

There are 8 electrons in the oxygen atom but as an oxygen ion is O 2- then there are 10 electrons in an oxygen ion.

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وسام محمد حميد الحجو...

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Q: How many valance electrons are in the oxygen family?
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How many valance electrons oxygen have?

6 valence electrons

How many valance electrons in an atom of oxygen?


How many electrons are in oxygen's outer level?

The word "valance" is used to describe electrons in the outer-most energy level of an atom. Oxygen has six valance electrons.

How many valance electrons does the oxygen have?

six valence electrons.....It only requires two more to complete octet....

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The silicon based product of the earths crust in the oxygen, nitrogen, and halogen family. include many oxygen including selenium and tellurium frog through its skin.

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Iodine has 7 valance electrons

How many valance electrons does oxygen have?

Oxygen has 6 valence electrons. A person can determine the number of valence electrons by looking at the periodic table. since oxygen is in the 6th column form the left, it has 6 valence electrons.

How can the number of valence electrons be determined from the periodic table?

By looking at the group number you can tell how many valance electrons there are ex: Group 1= 1 valance electrons Group 2-12= 2 valance electrons Group 13= 3 valance electrons Group 14= 4 valance electrons Group 15= 5 valance electrons Group 16= 6 valance electrons Group 17= 7 valance electrons Group 18= 8 valance electrons

How many valance electrons do fluorine and chlorine have?

Since fluorine and chlorine are in family 7A, they each have 7 valence electrons. The number of the family corresponds to the number of valence electrons.

How many electrons do chlorine oxygen and nitrogen have?

Nitrogen has 7 electrons, oxygen has 8 electrons, and chlorine has 9 electrons. That is the total electron count, for inner and outer shells. If you are only concerned with the valance electrons, then it is 5 for nitrogen, 6 for oxygen, and 7 for chlorine.