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Q: How many volts is in a home electric panel?
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In your home your store and your electric clothes dryer usually run on how many volts?

240 volts

In your home your stove and electric clothes dyer usually run on how many volts?

208 to 240 volts depending on your local power supply.

How many volts do electric eels give out?

2 volts

How many volts are powering an electric train?

25,000 volts

How many volts it takes to run an electric car?

14 volts

In your home your stove and your electric clotes dryer usually run on how many volts?

Usually 220 to 240 VAC.

How Many Volts Can An Electric Catfish Produce?

300 i think

How many volts of electricity can an electric eels release?

about 450V to 600V

Roughly speaking how many volts can an electric eel discharge?


How many volts does a typical electric range oven element use?


How many amps has an electric chair got?

Usually 2,000 to 2,200 volts at 7 to 12 amps.

How many volts electrical can electrical eels?

The electric eel frequently emits low voltage pulses for navigational purposes and to communicate. When using it in defense or when hunting they are capable of shocks of up to 600v.