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Q: How many watts does a popcorn popper have?
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Related questions

What type of popcorn should one buy for a popcorn popper?

The type of popcorn does not matter for a popcorn popper. Just make sure that it says on the package that it is meant to be popped in a popcorn popper.

Which brand of popcorn pops the most popcorn?

I think one of the popcorn popper brands that pops the biggest amount of popcorn is the Stir Crazy popcorn popper. I used the Back to Basics Electric Stir Crazy Popcorn Popper and I can make 5 to 6 quartz of popcorn which is equivalent to 24 cups of popped popcorn.

Where can one purchase a popcorn popper?

Popcon Poppers are very popular because they make popcorn. There are many places to buy this item both retail and online. Amazon, eBay, and an Kitchenware store should carry a popcorn popper.

Does sell popcorn popper machines?

Yes does sell popcorn machines. You can find popcorn popper machines here

What is a popcorn popper machine?

A pop corn popper is a device that can be used to make pop corn from kernels without being in a prepackaged popcorn bag. A pop corn popper is useful from making large amounts of pop corn and making them quickly.

What are the distinguishing features of the Whirley Pop Popcorn Popper?

The Whirley Pop Popcorn Popper is a stovetop popcorn machine that allows the user to make theater style popcorn in their house. It allows greater control over the cooking of the popcorn then a microwave.

What is air popcorn?

Popcorn popped in an air popper as opposed to microwave or stovetop.

Where can I find commercial popcorn popper machines?

There are various sites available that sell commercial popcorn popper machines. For all your popcorn popping needs visit or you can try this site for a guide to buying popcorn popping machines

What are the benefits of using a popcorn air popper over a stove top or microwave?

Benefits of using a popcorn air popper over a stove top or microwave include complete control over ingredients, no need for popping oil, no added oils and no cleanup. You can purchase an Air Popper online from stores such as Walmart and Bed Bath and Beyond.

What is the best popcorn popper?

It depends on the application, are you using it on the stove, microwave, or your grill. Whirley-Pop makes what many consider to be the best stove-top popper. I have added a link that also shows the other types of popcorn poppers.

Will my family like to use a popcorn popper?

MAking your own popcorn and enjoying a movie have been a great family past time for many years.

Where can I purchase popcorn popper machines over the internet?

Popcorn popper machines can be purchased or ordered from a variety of places, especially over the internet! You can purchase this from,,, or!