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3.Suspension,compresion,and tension

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Q: How many ways can earthquakes move?
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Related questions

How are earthquakes distributed on a world map?

Its distributed in many diffrent ways

How are earthquakes and volcanoes related?

earthquakes and volcano's are related in some sorts of ways, one of these ways are the damage they do.

Cite evidences to show that earthquakes occur at the boundaries between plates?

example of these is the plates are moving in different ways and when it move the earthquake will occur

Is there earthquakes season?

No, Earthquakes can happen at random times during the day. Earthquakes happen when fault line move causing the plates to move resulting in an earthquake

Earthquakes happen when these sections of Earth's crust move?

Earthquakes happen when tectonic plates along fault lines shift and release built-up pressure, causing the ground to shake. The sudden release of energy creates seismic waves that result in vibrations felt on the Earth's surface.

Why did the continents move?

The continents move due to plate tectonics, which is the movement of the Earth's lithosphere plates on the asthenosphere beneath them. This movement is caused by convection currents in the mantle, leading to the drifting of continents over millions of years.

How many earthquakes happen in the middle of a plate?

Earthquakes hardly ever happen in the middle of plates because the is no fault-line to move. The most common earthquakes in the middle of plates are because of Volcanoes.

Is there a relationship between movement and distribution of volcanoes and earthquakes?

Volcanoes don't move. Earthquakes move tectonic plates, and are then pronounced "earthquakes". So, no, I'm pretty sure there isn't.

What do you do about earthquakes?

i think that earthquakes are bad and destructive in many many ways. but no matter where you go there will be natural disasters. If you are there when an earthquake happens then I'm really sorry. There is no way you can know when an earthquake is going to happen.

How many ways can a rocket move?

Rockets move 4 different ways. Left, Right, Up, and Down

Why is it important for scientist to develop ways to predict earthquakes?

It is important for scientists to develop ways to predict earthquakes. By it they can measure when the next one would be.

Vibrations that move through the ground carrying the energy released during an earthquake are called?

The vibrations that move through the ground carrying the energy released during an earthquake are called seismic waves. These waves can be classified into two main types, namely primary (P-waves) and secondary (S-waves), which travel at different speeds and have different effects on structures.