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Q: How many ways did Aquinas argue for God's existence?
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Why did the pharaohs not know the existence of god?

The pharaohs believed that they were gods; they also believed in many gods (except for Akhenaton, who was a monotheist).

How many gods are there in buddism?

None:The existence of a deity is not a Buddhist belief.

Does having many different gods make it difficult in Hinduism?

There are some who will argue strenuously against this, but Hinduism is, at its most basic, monotheistic. All of the different 'gods' are manifestations of Atman.

Did most citizens in the Roman Empire worshipped many gods?

Most citizens did worship gods but some people like philosophers questioned the existence of those gods, they got punished for it by either death or banishment.

What is Hanotheism?

Henotheism is the belief in and worship of a single god while accepting the existence of other gods. In henotheism, the individual may choose to focus their religious devotion on one particular god while acknowledging the existence of other deities. It is a form of polytheism.

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The Hawaiian original religion was polytheistic, and they believed in the existence of many gods. They had a belief in four main gods that include, Kane, Lono, Ku and Kanaloa. They also believed in other gods like the gods that watched over their families.

How many sisters did Saint Thomas Aquinas have?

Saint Thomas Aquinas had one sister named Theodora.

How many state titles has St Thomas Aquinas High School won?

0 It's Aquinas, what'd you expect...?

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Many believe political science came into existence with the writing of Machiavelli's the Prince, which took a analytical style to the study of politics. However, others would argue it goes all the way back to Plato or Aristotle.

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Why do people insist on voicing their opinion on the existence of God when it wasn't asked?

Many Christians believe they have a duty to talk about their belief in the existence of God. Even when people believe, not in the existence of God but in the existence of other gods, some Christians insist on voicing their opinion that he exists. Of course, on a level playing field, those who do not believe in the existence of God have an equal duty to express their beliefs.

How many roman gods is was there?

That is impossible to say. There was a pantheon of twelve main Roman gods; however the actual number of gods that existed in the belief of Roman pagans was innumerable. People had varying beliefs about the existence of certain gods, and some gods could even be equated with each other. There were also variations of the same god, for example Juno Lucina and Juno Sospita.