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8 weeks

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Q: How many weeks after conception does the embryo in the mother's womb become a fetus?
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How many weeks after conception does the embryo in the mothers womb become a fetus?

8 weeks

The cluster of developing cells from conception until birth is called an .?

Embryo, between the 3rd and 8th week. Fetus, after the 8th week

The cluster of developing cells from conception until birth is called what?

This cluster of cells change the baby grows from pre-embryo to embryo to fetus.

What is sn embryo?

An embryo is an ungrown baby inside the mothers womb. It has developed eyes and ears and a sort-of-nose and a body shape. When everything is in place it will become a fetus, then after a while the fetus come out - plop! - and there you have a baby! Not an amazing description but there you go! xx

What does fetal mean?

Fetal, as in fetus. Same as othermammals.

What is more immoral aborting the embryo or fetus?

It's the same. Life starts from the moment of conception.

When does a developing embryo become a fetus?

After 8 weeks

Is an embryo human?

Scientifically an embryo is human at the moment of conception however, some believe that it isn't human until it becomes a fetus around the 9-10th week of pregnancy. Science shows that a heartbeat is present around the 4-5th week thus definitely making it human before it reaches the fetus stage. Because this is such a touchy subject, an embryo being human is based on an individual's belief on when actual life begins whether at conception or around 9-10 weeks of pregnancy when the embryo has become a fetus.

How does zygote develop to become an embryo then a fetus?

I dont freaking know

How is embryo differnet from a fetus?

Fetus is name given to human embryo after it is recognizable as human embryo .

What is the embryo called after 8 weeks?

For the first 8 weeks the developing human is called an embryo after that it is called a fetus.

How does an embryo become a fetus?

In short, an embryo undergoes both cellular division and cellular differentiation to become a fetus. This is achieved by the genetic program present in the cell(s) which controls both mentioned processes. It is the stage of developing mammal.After 9th week of fertilisation,the embryo can be called foetus.