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In most cases, a veterinarian is trained to wait until the puppy is four months (16 weeks) old to schedule a spay/neuter surgery. However, new research and techniques show you can spay a puppy as young as 8 weeks with very low complication rates provided the puppy is at least 5 pounds in weight at the time of surgery.

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Q: How many weeks does a puppy need to be to get spayed?
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Should your second puppy be male or female?

It doesn't matter that much, it just depends on personal preference, whether or not they get along with each other and with other pets in the family, and if they are neutered/spayed. If they aren't neutered or spayed, you should be sure to get the same gender puppy if you do not want them to breed.

Just brought home a 6 wk puppy does she need puppy milk the owner said she was weened?

no r puppy wont need milk if it is 6 weeks old just give it water cauz puppy milk is just a rip off

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A puppy should never be removed from its mother prior to six weeks, and eight weeks is preferable. The more mother's milk it receives as a puppy from a healthy bitch, the healthier the puppy will be.

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Because she has not been spayed or impregnated. You need to have her spayed.

Where can you get your guinea pig spayed?

You need to talk to a veterinarian to have your guinea pig spayed.

"what do you feed puppys"?

Puppies under 4-5 weeks of age need the mother's milk, or puppy formula found at pet supply stores. Over 4-5 weeks of age, they can eat puppy food.

Is there a law against selling a puppy under 8 weeks?

Yes there is a law for selling them under 8 weeks old. They need their mum for the first8 week for their lives.

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They shed the virus in their feces for 2 weeks after.

What age should a Jack Russell puppy leave its mum?

it would need to be 8 weeks old to leave its mum

What is the proper age that the puppy is supposed to be when you give it away and why?

6 weeks old, because then it is independent and doesn't need its mother

When does a cat need to be spayed?

Make sure the kittens are weaned before getting the mother cat spayed. Kittens are usually fully weaned around 8 to 12 weeks old. Some cats can come back into heat during this time, so be sure the mother does not have access outside before she is spayed.

Are the benefits of altering a dog the same no matter what the age of the dog?

Most dogs should be spayed or neutered, yes. However, a very mellow dog may not need it, or an older dog, or a dog in ill health may not be a good candidate for the procedure. A female dog past puppy-bearing age doesn't need to be spayed any more. Talk to your vet about your concerns and what the options are.