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There is not a "one size fits all" answer for this question. As each state sets its own requirements for eligibility, you need to contact your own state's employment security office for clarification.
This is highly dependent on the state you work in. Contact your state's employment security office for this information.

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13y ago
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14y ago

You should contact your state unemployment office to get the correct information about any unemployment benefits that you may be entitled to as each state has its own rules, amounts and the number of weeks that the benefits might be available in that state.

Go to the enclosed web site in the Related Link below and maybe you can find some useful information for this purpose.

Workers in any state can receive up to 26 weeks of benefits from the regular state-funded unemployment compensation program.

In the current downturn, workers in any state who exhaust their regular UI benefits before they can find a job can receive up to 34 additional weeks of benefits through the temporary federal Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) program enacted in 2008. That number rises to 53 weeks in states with especially high unemployment rates.

Workers who exhaust their regular UI and EUC benefits can receive additional weeks of benefits through the permanent federal-state Extended Benefits (EB) program if their state's unemployment insurance laws allow it (see table below).

Weeks in different states run from 60, 73, 79, 86, 93 to 99 weeks in different states at this time August 10, 2010.

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13y ago

Each state sets its own standards for determining the non-monetary requirements. In general, you must work in at least 2 of the first 4 of the last 5 completed calendar quarters. After that, the earnings plat a larger role in their calculations.

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16y ago

One day if you were employed somewhere else proir for a year .

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10y ago

You are eligible to collect unemployment for up to 26 weeks in most states. In order to collect unemployment, you would have to have worked a year and be eligible under other terms as well.

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11y ago

You must have worked and been paid wages for employment in at least two calendar quarters in your base period

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One mouth

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16. Weeks

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16. Weeks

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Q: How many weeks of federal unemployment?
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When does state unemployment end and federal unemployment begin?

The states are the only ones who administer unemployment compensation. Federal unemployment, besides extending unemployment benefits after the state's 26 weeks expire, also pertains to federal employee who lost their jobs, and that also is administered by the states as in any other case of employer being responsible.

How many weeks can you collect unemployment in Massachusetts?

99 weeks

How many weeks of unemployment can you get in California?

I think that it's 40 weeks

How many weeks of employment do you need to receive unemployment benefits in Illinois?

four weeks

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How many weeks are in the Maryland unemployment extension?

Initial claim is for 13 weeks. Extension is additional 7 weeks for a total of 20 weeks.

How does the Federal Government stabilize unemployment?

There are many ways the federal government stabilizes unemployment. They create incentives for businesses to create jobs and they provide entrepreneurs incentives to grow their business.

How long can i collect unemployment in RI?

In Connecticut you can collect unemployment benefits for up to 26 weeks. Part of the stimulus plan the Federal Government has allowed an extension of 20 weeks and an additional 13 weeks for states with an unemployment rate of 6% or more, which includes CT (currently at 8%). So as of now you can collect for up to 59 weeks. The stimulus plan expires Dec 31 2009, it may or may not be extended.

How many extension can you have before your unemployment stops?

It depends on what your state's unemployment rate is and what Federal laws are passed to help the unemployed.

How many weeks of unemployment can you collect in Mississippi?

At present (Jan. 2011, you can receive up to 99 weeks, if you qualify.

How many weeks unemployment can you collect in Mississippi?

At present (Jan. 2011, you can receive up to 99 weeks, if you qualify.

How many weeks can you collect unemployment in Georgia?

The average length of unemployment in 2005, according to Employment and Earnings, was 18.4 weeks, down from 19.6 weeks in 2004, but up from 13.2 weeks in 2001.Read more: Unemployment - How Long Does Unemployment Last? - Weeks, Unemployed, Married, Workers, Average, and Divorced In the Related Link below.this is just general statistics, though, but it should help to estimate it.