

How many whales are there in the whale population?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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If you want a specific species then it varies. Some whales population are known but some are not known well. Example, population humpback whales is around 19,000. Whereas minke whales are around 800,000 to 1 million.

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Q: How many whales are there in the whale population?
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What is the population of a whale?

There are 2 main types of whales (baleen and toothed whales). With toothed whales, some of these whales are classed as dolphins such as killer whales so the total only include the population of named whales classed as a toothed whale like killer whales. The global population is between 1.5 Million and 2.55 Million. Reasons for the huge range is that some whales and killer whales haven't got a well known population and they are either unknown or there is no conclusive data of their populating.

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There are many killer whales in the tropical seas, like here's one that I know, it is a white killer whale, and a false killer whale.

What species is the whale organism?

There are many different species of whales such as blue whale, beaked whale and even dolphin.

What are 6 different types of whales?

A list of whales would included the sperm whale, blue whale, killer whale, and the humpback whale. Other species include the beluga whale, pilot whale, bowhead whale, and the baleen whale.

How much blue whale in the world?

Their population is around 3,000.As of June 2014, the Blue whale population is an estimated 15,000 in the entire world. The number will change depending on births of new whales.