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Yes, a person can have additional teeth beyond the typical 32. For the most part, they are known as 'anomalies' which are variations from 'normal' with no substantial consequence.

I once personally witnessed 9 'wisdom teeth' being extracted at once. Most of them were smaller than a pencil eraser, but they were clearly teeth with roots, crowns and typical tooth anatomy.

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16y ago
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12y ago

it depends on how much calcium you have had.

the world record is 12.

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16y ago

There are four teeth that are referred to as Wisdom Teeth. They are actually molars.

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Q: How many wisdom teeth are in the human mouth?
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How many teeth do you have with out wisdom teeth?

28-30, because there are usually 32 teeth in a human mouth.

How many teeth are in a human mouth?

32. 4 incisors. 4 premolars and 4 molars. Top and bottom. Also 2 canines and 2 wisdom teeth per plate.

How many teeth excluding wisdom teeth should an adult human have?

A full set of teeth, excluding wisdom teeth, is 28 for an adult.

How many human teeth make up a complete set?

32 teeth are in the human mouth.

How many cuspid teeth in the mouth?

There are total four Cuspid teeth or Canine teeth or fangs in human mouth. Enjoy!

How many wisdom teech are in a normal human?

There are four wisdom teeth in a normal human being. Wisdom teeth are the very last four teeth that grow. They grow at the very end of the jaw - two upper and two lower. Wisdom teeth start appearing in the teens. Wisdom teeth can also appear towards the end of teenage. If there is no space in the jaw for the teeth to come out, then these are removed.

How many teeth do we have?

The average adult has a total of 32 teeth including wisdom teeth.

Do you have to take your back teeth out?

If you mean your wisdom teeth, only if they are causing problems with the other teeth. Many people do not have enough room for them to fit properly in the mouth.

How many theeth do humans have?

Teeth? Barring having their wisdom teeth removed (or never came in), an adult has 32 teeth and a child has 20 teeth in a full mouth.

How many teeth does an adult human possess?

Most adults will have 28 or 32 teeth depending on whether they have their wisdom teeth. Some People may be born with supernumerary (extra) teeth or with some teeth missing.

How many permanent teeth do you have including wisdom teeth?

An adult has 32 teeth. As a member of the family hominidae, and genus homo (human) we have the tooth formula, giving us 32 teeth including the m3's (wisdom teeth). Also considering that, as a genetic characteristic, some humans will never have wisdom teeth, it would be wrong to call this the normal number of teeth because neither formula is normal or abnormal.

How many teeth does a human has?

The average human has 32 teeth. There is at least a minimum of 3 different types of teeth an average human has. human teeth are made of calcium phosphorus and other mineral salts.