

How many wisdom teeth can you have?

Updated: 6/8/2024
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10y ago

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Most people have 4, but some people can have none all the way to 8.

AnswerUsually just four unless you have had too much calcium you can have an extra or two. Answernormally just 4, but my friend just got 6 pulled and someone at my doctors office had 8. the world record was 12!!! AnswerThere are 4 wisdom teeth and the reason why these teeth become useless and bothersome in some people is because hundreds of years ago humans jaws were wider and they need these extra teeth for grinding, but as time marched on the jawlines and facial features changed and the jawlines grew narrower and these extra teeth are no longer needed. AnswerUsually there are four.

Sometimes one, two or all of the wisdom teeth are missing. They have never formed. 25% of people are missing at least one wisdom tooth.

Other times there are extra wisdom teeth, called surnumerary teeth.


Normally four, but oh lucky me got nine. Three on my upper left two on upper right and two on both sides both were impacted. Haha, but this can be due to your genetics, for me my mom lovingly gave these to me along with a small jaw structure.

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6d ago

Most people have four wisdom teeth, one in each corner of the mouth. However, some individuals may have fewer or no wisdom teeth at all. In rare cases, people may have extra wisdom teeth, known as supernumerary teeth.

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There are four wisdom teeth in a normal human being. Wisdom teeth are the very last four teeth that grow. They grow at the very end of the jaw - two upper and two lower. Wisdom teeth start appearing in the teens. Wisdom teeth can also appear towards the end of teenage. If there is no space in the jaw for the teeth to come out, then these are removed.

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Most adults will have 28 or 32 teeth depending on whether they have their wisdom teeth. Some People may be born with supernumerary (extra) teeth or with some teeth missing.

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I think 32 not counting wisdom teeth since not everyone gets them

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