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no 3 wise men visit Jesus

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i ain't sure mite

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Q: How many wisemen went to visit jesus?
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Who visited Mary before Jesus birth?

After Jesus' birth in Bethlehem, the shepherds were the first to visit him, according to the New Testament. The angels announced the birth to the shepherds, who then went to see Jesus in the manger.

How many shepherds went to visit baby Jesus?

The bible does not mention the number of sheperds that went to see christ .

What is the exact number of wise men that went to visit Jesus?


How did the shepherds who visited baby jesus known where to find him?

Yes the shepherd to whom the angels sang found the baby Jesus just as it had been told to them by these angels, for they went quickly to find Him. The wisemen found the child Jesus when he was up to 2 years old, because Herod later when he was trying to kill this new born king, killed all the baby boys in Bethlehem 2 years and under based on what the wisemen had told him.

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Rochelle Wisemen went to a Coopers Company and Coborn School in Upminster.

How many trials did Jesus go through?

Jesus went through 7 trials

Which is correct You went to visit him or You went to visit with him?

The correct English is "You went to visit him." "You went to visit with him." is not actually incorrect, if what is meant is that you and he went visiting together. (The emphasis is on the fact that he went as well.) However, that is just not such a common thing to say.

How many did Jesus not eat or drink for?

According to The Bible Jesus went into the wilderness and fasted for forty days and forty nights.

What happened to Jesus diciples after he died?

First they went into hiding,but later they went in many ways to spread the word of god.

What did Jesus visit when He was twelve?

This story is in Luke 2.41 - 52. Jesus was separated from his parents when they went to Jerusalem to worship. But after 3 days his parents found him, "in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hearing them, and asking them questions." (Luke 2.46) Then his parents took him home and he was "subject unto them:" until the time of his ministry, when he was about 30 years old.

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She was among many women who went with Jesus and 'ministered to him out of their substance' (Luke 8.2,3}

What is the name of Marys cousin who Mary goes to visit before Jesus was born?

After Angel Gabriel Gabriel told Mary she would have Jesus, she went over to her cousin Elizabeth's house, to congragulate on her bundle of joy.