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There are Liberal Democratic Parties in a couple dozen different countries. Please be more specific.

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Q: How many women are there in the Liberal Democratic Party?
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How many political parties are in Cuba?

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How many political parties are there in Scotland?

There are many. Here are the main 4. S.N.P. (Scottish National Party), Labour Party, Liberal Democratic Party and the Conservitive Party. There is also the Green Party and the Scottish Socialist Party.

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Who was the Democratic Party nominee for President in 1896?

Horace Greeley is your answer. But he didn't win. There was a split within the Republican Party that resulted in a defection of many Liberal Republicans to opponent Horace Greeley. The other major political party, the Democratic Party, also nominated the candidates of the Liberal Republican ticket that year.

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During the campaign of 1828, the Democratic Party changed by veering away from Jeffersonian principles, since it was clear that national issues were becoming more modern.

Where is the liberal party?

Many countries have Liberal parties including Australia and Canada. The Liberal Party in the UK became the Liberal Democrats in the late 1980s.

What are the Liberal Democrat Party's policies?

There are many generalized liberal party views. Some of these include a women's right to chose to have an abortion, helping disadvantaged people, as well as legalizing marijuana.

How many members are there in the Democratic Party?

out of the total membership in the U.S House, how many individuals are members of the democratic party?

Political parties of Switzerland?

In the European Country of Switzerland there are many political parties that have a large presence involvement in the elections. There are 5 main parties they are Free Democratic Party, Social Democratic Party, Christian Democratic Party, Swiss People's Party, and Conservative Democratic Party of Switzerland.

Where can someone find information on the Liberal party?

There are many different liberal parties across the world, including the Liberal Party of Canada, Australia and the UK. Information on the Canadian Liberal Party can be found on their website Alternatively, information on a whole range of Liberal Parties can be found on Wikipedia.

How many political parties in Canada and what are their leaders names?

There is the conservative party, who's leader is Stephen Harper (he is currently in office as prime ministre) The Green party, lead by Elizabeth May The Bloc Quebecois Party, Lead by Gilles Duceppe The New Democratic Party, lead by Jack Layton And the Liberal Party, Lead by Michael Ignatieff