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Q: How many words are in a brief quotation?
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How many words is considered a brief quotation?


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How many words in a brief?

Words that can be made from the letters in 'brief' are:bebierbriefibfiber (fibre)firfireIifireribrifrife

When making short quotaions?

When making short quotations, it's important to accurately convey the original speaker's words while keeping the quote brief and maintaining its meaning. Use quotation marks to indicate the spoken words and cite the source properly to give credit to the original speaker. Avoid changing the wording of the quotation to preserve the speaker's intended message.

What does indirect quotations mean?

He asked, "What is an indirect quotation?"

What do you do if you want to use someones exact words?

You must place those words within quotation marks and state the name of the author and the book or work from which the quotation was taken.

What kind of statement is a sentence with quotation marks?

A sentence with quotation marks is typically a direct quotation from someone's spoken words or text. The quotation marks indicate that the words are being repeated exactly as they were said or written by the original source.

What is the different between quatation and quotation?

There is no difference between "quatation" and "quotation." It seems like "quatation" may be a misspelling or typo of "quotation." "Quotation" refers to the act of quoting or citing someone else's words, while a "quotation" is the exact words or passage that is being quoted.

Use to show where the exact words of a speaker begin and end?

To show where the exact words of a speaker begin and end, you can use quotation marks. These are punctuation marks that enclose the speaker's words to set them apart from the rest of the text. It helps indicate that the content within the quotation marks is a direct quote.

When using a direct quotation how do you signify that the words are not yours?

You say: SPOKEN BY... (whover the name is). You also put the words spoken in quotation marks.

Do you put quotation marks in onomatopoeias?

No, quotation marks are not typically used with onomatopoeias. Onomatopoeias are words that represent sounds, like "buzz" or "meow". They are usually written as regular words without quotation marks.

What punctuation are put around a spoken word?

Quotation marks are used around spoken words to indicate dialogue in written text.