

Best Answer
Some words that can be formed from STUPOR:
  1. Ops
  2. Opt.s
  3. Opus
  4. Ort.s
  5. Our.s
  6. Oust
  7. Out.s
  8. Port.s
  9. Post
  10. Pot.s
  11. Pour.s
  12. Pout.s
  13. Pro.s
  14. Pus
  15. Put.s
  16. Rot.s
  17. Roust
  18. Rout.s
  19. Rust
  20. Rut.s
  21. Sop
  22. Sort
  23. Sot
  24. Soup
  25. Sour
  26. Sport
  27. Spot
  28. Spout
  29. Sprout
  30. Spurt
  31. Stop
  32. Stupor
  33. Sup
  34. Top.s
  35. Tor.s
  36. Tour.s
  37. Ups
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Q: How many words can you make out of the word stupor?
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