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Q: How many words exist in English litterateur?
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How many words exist?

this is unknown. i would say probrably in the trillions or so.

What is the Polish word ciasta in English?

The Polish word "ciasta" means "dough" in English. There are many programs that exist today that can assist one in translating words from almost any language into English and vice versa.

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Do 555 numbers exist?

No, there is no limit to how many numbers exist. In other words, there are infinitely many.

How many words words are in the English language?

There are about 228,132 words total in the English language.

How many English words are there?

There are more than 100,000,000 English words.

How many varieties of English that exist in the world today?


Where can one find Spanish to English translations for words like 'meteorito'?

There are many sites that exist today that can provide translations from English to another language and vice versa. Check out a site such as grassroots, which can translate the word.

Where is the English originated?

The book the History of English states that English is a combination of many languages. There are many French words. German words, a bit of Latin, and words from many sources including Native American.

How many songs were written with cuse words?

None. Cuse words don't exist.

How many English are there?

There are more than 100,000,000 English words.

How many are English?

There are more than 100,000,000 English words.