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Some words that include the word pop are:

  • popcorn
  • pope
  • poppy
  • popular
  • population
  • populism
  • populous

Some words sound like they could be included, like pop up, pop top, or Pop Tart. But these are still considered two separate words.

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Q: How many words include the word pop in them?
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Related questions

How many words in pop?

Pop contains 2 words. Op is a word. Pop is a word.

What are some words with the root word POP?

Words from the root pop (Latin populi) include people, variants of popular (popularity) and variants of population (populace, to populate).

What are compound words that contain the word pop or pops?

Some compound words that contain the word "pop" or "pops" are popcorn, pop-up, popular, and popsicle.

How many syllables are in the word '' pop ''?

There is one syllable in the word pop.

What are some compound words that begin with the word pop?

popcorn the compound is the pop and then the corn

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What meaning best fits the word pop?

Some meanings that best fit the word pop include: - To burst - To come up suddenly - To open wide - To hit a ball high into the air

What is a sentence for the word bubble and have six words?

Every single bubble will pop eventually.

What is ontamonapia?

words that when said sound like the word. i.e. pop, boop, etc

The word POP is an example of what type of figure of speech?

The word "POP" is an example of onomatopoeia, which is a figure of speech where words imitate the sound they represent. In this case, "POP" imitates the sound of something bursting or quickly opening.

What are some bad things about pop-ups?

Many pop-ups include malicious software that can damage your computer. It is best to try to block pop-ups that can damage your system.