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Platypuses do not hold much food in their cheek pouches. The cheek pouches are only used to store enough food for the platypus to grind (it does not chew as it has no teeth) as it floats on the surface between dives.

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How do you describe a platypus's head?

The platypus has a dark brown head with two small eyes. It is unusual because its mouth is a bill. Although many believe the platypus's bill to resemble a duck's bill, it is in fact quite different. The platypus's bill is broader and flatter than a duck's bill.

How do platypuses chew their food?

Many would say that a platypus's mouth is like a beak of a duck. It is rather different, with its bill being broader and flatter than a duck's beak. Inside the platypus's mouth are grinding plates, instead of teeth, with which the platypus grinds its food.

What does the platypus's head look like?

The platypus has a dark brown fur on its head, and two small eyes. It is unusual because its mouth is a bill. Although many believe the platypus's bill to resemble a duck's bill, it is in fact quite different. The platypus's bill is broader and flatter than a duck's bill. A photograph can be seen at the related link below.

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depends on how big the sharks mouth is and how big the fish are

How many eyes does the platypus have?

A platypus has two eyes.

How many chromosomes does a platypus have?

A platypus has 26 chromosomes.

How many feet does a platypus have?

The platypus has 2 feet.

What type of fish can hold many babies in its mouth?

Mouth brooding cichlids and some saltwater fish to my knew

How many genuses of platypus are there?

There is only one genus of the platypus - ornithorhynchus.

How many fish can a great whites mouth hold?

The number of fish that a great whiteÕs mouth can hold will vary. This will depend on the size of the fish. The great white is a shark that is known to eat smaller fish.

How many lungs do platypus have?

The platypus has two lungs, like all mammals do.

What is the shape of the platypus?

Like many semi-aquatic mammals, the platypus has a streamlined body. This enables the platypus to swim and dive faster.