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Q: How many years after the Declaration of Independence in 1776 was the last church officially disestablished?
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When was the the declaration of independence made?

It was made on July 4th, 1776. That is why we celebrate the 4th of July.

What happened to the Anglican church after the revolutionary war?

it was disestablished

New name for the Anglican church after it was disestablished and de-anglicized in Virginia and elsewhere?

The Episcopal Church

The New name for the Anglican Church after it was disestablished and deAnglicized in Virginia?

The new name for the church was the Protestant Episcopal Church.

What happened first the constitutional army surprise bit of shoes at church on Christmas or did the Declaration of Independence is?

The Declaration is before the colonial army ( it is not the "constitutional army". No declaration no need for a army.

What was the new name for the Anglican church after it was disestablished and unanglicized in Virginia and elsewhere?

It became the Episcopal Church in the United States of America after the Revolutionary War.

LEgislation passed by an alliance of Jefferson and the Baptists that disestablished the Anglican church?

Virginia statute for religious freedom.

What does the declaration of rights do?

The declaration of rights sets up laws to which states and countries follow. They Make laws basically

Antidisastablishmentarism is a word my friend told me i wanted to know what it means?

Antidisestablishmentarianism (listen to , ) is a political position that originated in nineteenth-century Britain, where antidisestablishmentarians were opposed to proposals to remove the Church of England's status as the state church of England. The movement succeeded in predominantly Anglican England, but failed overwhelmingly in Roman Catholic Ireland - where the Church of Ireland was disestablished in 1871 - and in Wales whose Church of Wales was disestablished in 1920. Antidisestablishmentarian members of the Free Church of Scotland delayed merger with the United Presbyterian Church of Scotland in a dispute about the position of the Church of Scotland. So, is it what you wanted.

Who were the Muslim signers of the declaration of independence?

There were no Muslim signers. However many of the founding fathers were Deists. This means while they believed in a higher power they did not follow the Christian church.

When was Independence Presbyterian Church created?

Independence Presbyterian Church was created in 1853.

What is the new name for the Anglican church after it was disestablished and de-anglicized in Virginia and elsewhere?

Was it the Continuing Church? Which consists of the United Episcopal Church, The Diocese of Christ the King and the Anglican Catholic Church, all of which separated from the C.Of E, and held to the catholic faith of the First thousand years.