

How many years did the black death stay in England for?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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around 600 years

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Q: How many years did the black death stay in England for?
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How did the black death affect people in wiltshire England?

Many of them died.

How many years was the black death around for?

the black death is still around in certain parts of the world

Who was the last person to die from the black death in England?

Many people died from the black death, so it probably wasn't anyone important, no offense.

How many years did the Black Death take to kill 25 million people?

It took five years for the black death to kill 25 million people.

What were the two effects of the black death on the economy of England?

The price of labor greatly increased.Reduced demand for many goods.

What are the dates when the Black Death killed Europeans?

The dates for the Black Death in Europe were 1347 to 1352. After that it returned many times, but was not as bad as it was during those years.

What did the plagues do in the medieval times in England?

We do not know exactly how many died in the Black Death, but it might have been as much as half the people of England. It returned more than once, and kept returning until the seventeenth century. When the Black Death was over, there were not enough farmers in England. Serfs were supposed to stay on the manors where they were born, but with an insufficient number of workers, many lords tried to tempt serfs off the lands of their neighbors. They did this by offering a better deal than the serfs had previously had. This brought serfdom in England to an end in not very many years.

How many years did it take to kill 25 million people in the black death?

Black Death killed 75 to 200 million people. It took 1346 to 1353.

How many people were affected from black death?

25 million people dies in 4 years time.

How did the Hundred Years War the Black Death and the Great Schism in the church affect the course of history?

The Black Death took more deaths than the other ones and also it lived more many years than the other ones.

How many years was Henry the eighth on the throne?

Henry VIII ruled England for 38 years, from 1509 until his death in 1547.

How many pages does The Black Death - novel - have?

The Black Death - novel - has 373 pages.