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You have to go through a legal process called expungment, DUIs don't come off on their own.

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Q: How many years does a DUI stay on your permanent record in California?
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How many years does a DUI stay on your permanent record?

75 years

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How many years will A DUI be on your permanent driver license record?

In most states, a DUI will remain on your permanent driver license record for about 10 years. However, this can vary depending on the state's specific laws and regulations.

How many years does a DUI conviction remain on a drivers record?

A record of a DUI conviction on your drivers license history is permanent.

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An adult criminal history is a permanent record.

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If convicted as an adult, forever or until either sealed, expunged or pardoned.

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A 'permanent record' of a business letter is a physical, hard copy (photo copy or print out) made of the letter before it is sent. Today, many people rely on the letter kept in a computer file as a 'permanent record'. Which is the best practice is up to the person (people) responsible for keeping the record.

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Contrary to popular belief, Our driving records are permanent. Fortunately though, most insurance companies in the U.S. only check the last 3 to 5 years of your driving record. It never comes off your driving record. It just gets stale after a certain number of years. Depending on how many years back your insurer checks your driving record, either they will see it or they won't.

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The question is vaguely worded. If the question is about how long it will be before the DUI charge "goes away," the answer is, it won't. Your criminal history record is permanent.

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