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Q: How many years does the table include from the first species to the last Evolution of the horse?
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Related questions

When was the first known species of horses?

For the horse closet related to the modern horse, the Prewalskis horse. There are few living now.

What type of species is the horse?

A horse is of the equine species.

What is the name of the first single toed specie of horse?

The first single toed species is the sloth

What is the evolutionof a horse?

God made the horse. no evolution involved!!!

Where was the first horse found?

the first horse was found in Arabia Actually the first horses developed over the continents of North America and Eurasia, however they died out in North America. True breeds of horse developed after the horse was established as a species.

Why do we have a good evolutionary record of the horse?

Because the horse did NOT evolve, people just made evolution up. There are many things to prove evolution is fake.

What was the earliest horse called?

From the evolution of the horse, the dinosaur-like breed was called Hyracotherium.

Where were horse species found?

the first horse was found in Europe. But it wasn't the horse we know today, found in Europe, it was Eohippus. which is what the horse originally was before it evolved. Eohippus was about the size of a fox, so it was really different from the horse today.

What did Charles Darwin suggest about the evolution of the horse?

it evolved

What is the process for genetically changing the horse species?

Genetic engineering of any species involves directly changing the genetic code of the organism. This is done by taking out nucleotide bases out of the DNA sequence by using nuclease, then introducing the new DNA sequence into the host organism.

Is horse an endangered species?


What species is the Arabian horse in?

The Arabian horses species is the exact same as all other horse breeds. E.Ferus.