

How many years have scientists known about Pluto?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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The dwarf planet Pluto was discovered in 1930 by Clyde Tombaugh.

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Q: How many years have scientists known about Pluto?
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It depends on your point of view.... For hundreds of years, scientists have stated there are nine planets in our solar system... Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. In recent years scientists have 'relegated' Pluto to a 'minor planet' - as it is now considered part of the Kuiper belt, which is an area outside Pluto's orbit.

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How many years does it take from Earth to Pluto?

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What planet has the third longest year?

That depends on who you ask. Pluto technically has the longest year; each Plutonian year is equal to 247.7 Earth years. However, some scientists no longer consider Pluto to be a planet, and call it a "dwarf planet" instead. Since this decision was not actually binding, many people (including scientists) still consider Pluto a planet. If Pluto isn't actually a planet, then Neptune is the planet with the longest year (164.79 Earth years)

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Pluto has four known moons, four times as many as the Earth.

How many waffles does it take to get to Pluto?

Probably hundreds, since it takes years to get to Pluto.

One Pluto year equals how many Earth years?

To get from Earth to Pluto it takes 5763 km to get their.

How many years should it take new horizons to reach Pluto?

It will reach pluto in 2014.

How many days does Pluto have?

Pluto orbits the Sun in 14,164.4 Pluto days (90,613.305 Earth days, or 248.03 Earth years).

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248.09 Earth years for Pluto to orbit the Sun

How many years has Pluto been considered a dwarf planet?

As of 2013, Pluto has been classed as a dwarf planet for 7 years.