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It comes every 76 years. The next time it is due to make an appearance is in 2062.

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Q: How many years is the interval between each reappearance of Halley's Comets?
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Related questions

Are there any comets other than Halleys comet?


What is the point of origin for Halley comet?

it is the time when the tail is facing the north of the other comets like this <halleys tail is north of the other comets when they go > this way

Why was the comet in the sky in the Bayeux tapestry?

Because comets cannot decide when they will be visible. It was a natural phenomena and remains so. Comets have a 'year' as do all solar objects. Halleys comets year happened to coincide with the battle. It was a coincidence, nothing more than that.

What are the names of 5 famous comets?

1 - Halley's 2 - Lovejoy 3 - Hale-Bopp 4 - Ison 5 - Shoemaker-Levy 9 Note: Obviously that's a matter of opinion to some extent. I would have a different list. See "related link" below for a list of some famous comets. Note: Unfortunately, the photo and caption for the "eclipse comet of 1948" is wrong in this link.

Which two comets are known the most?

Halleys Comet is by far the best known. The second is harder to determine - Hale-Bopp and Comet McNaught are known at the moment amongst the general public.

What is halleys comet made of?

All comets, we believe, are composed of a lot of ices such as frozen carbon dioxide, nitrogen, oxygen, water, and other gasses, with a lot of dust and some rocks. Science fiction writers Jerry Pournelle and Larry Niven described a comet as a "dirty snowball".

What are two differences between comets and asteroids?

there is no answer

Are there comets between Jupiter and Neptune?


What makes halleys comet unique?

Halley's comet is unique is that it takes 76 years to be visible from the earth on like other comets that can be seen annually

Was halleys comet 10 miles from the earth in 1961?

No. in 1961 the comet was way out in the solar system, the recent close approaches were in 1910 and 1986 - non of there were as close as 10 miles from the nucleus, although Earth did pass through the comets tail in 1910.

Why is halleys commet named halleys commet?

Edmund Halley was the fellow who first realized that the historical accounts of comets seemed to show that they were not solitary events; that they came back into view on a regular schedule. Examining the records, Halley calculated the probable orbit of the comet and concluded that the comet of 1682 was probably the same comet that had been seen in 1607 and before that in 1531. Halley predicted that the comet would once again be visible in 1758. When it was observed in December, 1758, it was dubbed "Halley's Comet", a title it retains.To astronomers, Halley's Comet is called "1P/Halley"; the 1P indicates that in the catalog of comets, this is the first entry and that it is "Periodic".

Do comets orbit mars and Jupiter?

No. Comets orbit the sun. Many asteroids orbit the sun in between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.