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Q: How many years of training does it take to be a brain surgeon?
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How many years of study and training to become a brain surgeon?

To screw in a lightbulb? Please inquire in full sentences in future please

How many years of coolage is requiered to be a brain surgeon?

12-13 years

How many years do you get paid as being a brain surgeon?

They will make a REHAN. This is equivalent to 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00,00,00,0,0

How many years does a brain doctor go to school?

Four years of undergraduate studies, four years of medical school, four years of general surgeon and 4 of other surgeon. It's about 14-16 years of school.

How much do first year brain surgeons earn?

The average yearly salary for a brain surgeon is roughly 345,000. This will increase significantly for someone who has been doing it for many years.

How many years does you take to become a brain sergeant?

A rule of thumb is that it'll take you about 30 years. 4 years of med school, 8 years of residency and 18 years to learn how to spell surgeon.

How many years are required for a Pediatric Surgeon training school?

After graduating from American medical schools, it is 5 years general surgery residency followed by two years paediatric surgery fellowship.

How many years of school dose it take to become a heart surgeon?

It takes a bachelors degree in science (4+ years), MD degree (4 more years), plus 3-5+ years of residency training.

How many years does it take to become a general surgeon in Germany?

Well depending on how much training you have. If you have gone to medical school than about only 3 years! Good luck becoming one!

How many years of collage does a surgeon have to do?

8-12 years of college, plus when I'm older i want to be a surgeon

What do you need to be a Lasik Eye Surgeon?

To be a LASIK eye surgeon one needs to complete a program of formal education that includes an undergraduate degree, a medical degree, an internship, and a residency program. Many also have post residency fellowship training. After this one needs to have training on the particular laser which is being used and this requires supervised experience for the first cases. In total this is 12 or more years of training after high school to be a LASIK surgeon.

How much does it cost to become brain surgeon?

it will cost A LOT, at least a couple hundred thousand bucks (over many years), but then again brain surgeons can make 500,000 a year, so it really doesnt matter.