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Speed of light is 299,792,458 metres per second

There are 31,356,000 seconds in a year of 365 days ie not a leap year.

A light year is therefore 9,454,254,955,488,000 metres

Mach 1 is not constant as it depends on atmospheric composition and temperature but for this calculation I am using 340.29 metres per second.

At Mach1 it would take 27,782,935,012,748 seconds to travel 1 light year.

In more manageable terms this is 880,991 years.

I hope this helps - it made my brain ache !!!

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14y ago
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12y ago

Proxima Centauri - Earth ... 4,223 l.y. (267 070 astronomical units)

Voyager 1 speed: 3,58 AU/year

267 070 / 3,58 = 74 600 years (1977)

74 565 years (2012)

Voyager 1 (current distance from Earth is 119 - 120 AU) will reach Proxima Centauri in 74 565 years.

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11y ago

Ooh. Long time. In 35 years, V2 has only gotten about 15 light-minutes away. A back of the envelope calculation suggests that another 1.2 million years ought to do it.

Edit :It's a lot more than 15 light minutes away. Jupiter is further than that.

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8y ago

It doesn't make sense to convert that; mph is a unit of speed; whereas light-year is a unit of distance.

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7y ago

At 150000 miles per hour, it would take 39.2 million years to travel one light year.

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13y ago

in 17,535 years.

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10y ago

37,256.5 years.

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Q: How many years that get the Voyager 1 to go to Proxima centauri?
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4.2 light years. Which equals to... 8765.81 x3600 x 300,000 = 9,467,074,800,000 Kilometers away from Earth

How many miles away is proxima centauri from earth?

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