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Q: How many years where there between the invention of the reaper and the invention of the steel plow?
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Related questions

What are soul reaper years?

soul reaper years are basically souls...yeah.

When was the penny farthing bicycle used?

Between its invention, and into a few years after the invention of the Safety Bicycle.

How old is byakuya kuchki in human years and in soul reaper years?

I think in soul reaper years he's 242&in human well about 24

What did Cyrus McCormick and Joe Anderson invent?

He is often credited with being the inventor of the mechanical reaper or harvester.

What is an invention that was made in between the years 1800 to 1900?

The invention of useable electricity, steel, and petroleum products during the 19th century lead to a second industrial revolution (1865-1900), that featured the growth of railways and steam ships, faster and wider means of communication, and inventions with names we all know today.

What are some of the invention between the years of 1558 - 1625?

the microscope in 1600 the microscope in 1600

How has the reaper changed throughout the years?

it has got bigger.

What is the best steel for Roman swords?

Iron itself is actually very soft. Wrought iron and steel were the types of iron used by the Romans. The Romans used Noric steel for many of its weapons. The use of steel dates back 4,000 years, so it is not a modern invention as stated above. You can confirm this on Wikipedia under Steel, Noric steel, and Roman metallurgy.

How many years passed between the invention of the printing press and the web?

Approximately 500 years passed between the invention of the printing press in the 15th century and the creation of the World Wide Web in the late 20th century.

The reaper that boosted wheat production in the US was invited by?

Cyrus Hall McCormick, Sr. is credited with the invention, though his father had worked on it for nearly 30 years prior to deeding it to his elder son. He developed and demonstrated a final version in 1831, and patented in in 1834.

How old is izuru?

he would probably be around 136 years old in soul reaper years. But in human years he would be around 23 years old

What is the worst invention in the last 200 years?

The worst invention in the past 200 years will vary depending on who you ask. Many people think that the worst invention is the car and others think that it is the Internet.