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The material is transported using Xylem and Phloem tissues.

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Q: How materials for photosynthesis move through a vascular plant?
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What plant structure transports materials through the plant?

Xylem and Phloem vessels, Xylem transports water and Phloem transports the products of photosynthesis

What are The types of vascular tissue inside plants that transport energy from photosynthesis and materials from the roots to the rest of the plant are called?

The types of vascular tissues are called xylem and phloem. Phloem cells transport energy from photosynthesis and xylem transport materials from the roots to the rest of the plant. These plants are called autotrophs.

What is the purpose of the vascular in a plant?

Transporting water and sugars (from photosynthesis)

What is the purpose of the vascular system of a plant?

Transporting water and sugars (from photosynthesis)

The part of the plant that transports sugars produced by photosynthesis to the non-green parts of the plant is the?

The Vascular Bundles.

Why is a Venus flytrap a vascular plant?

The Venus Flytrap is a vascular plant because it has tubes to carry water and materials to parts of its body.

How does the water needed to carry out out photosynthesis gets to leaves?

through the vascular bundles

Which part of the plant absorbs minerals for photosynthesis?

The roots of a plant absorb minerals from the soil, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are essential for photosynthesis to occur in the leaves. Minerals are transported from the roots to the leaves through the vascular system of the plant.

Where does the raw materials in photosynthesis occur in plant?

in the chloroplasts

What are the 2 inorganic materials needed by the plant to carry out photosynthesis?

Carbon dioxide and sunlight are the two inorganic materials needed by the plant to carry out photosynthesis.

How does a plant get water fro photosynthesis?

Plants take in water through their roots and transport it through specialized tubes called xylem to the leaves where photosynthesis occurs. Water is essential for photosynthesis as it provides the raw materials for the process and helps maintain turgidity in plant cells.

Why is the Venus Flytrap vascular?

It is vascular because it has vascular tubes to support and transfer food through and out of the plant.