

How matter or energy can be destroyed?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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11y ago

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We know that matter and energy can be converted into each other, in accordance with Einstein's famous formula, e = mc2. Mass-energy is conserved, which is to say, you can convert mass-energy into many different forms, but you always have the same quantity (measured in kilograms or in any convenient unit of measurement). It is not destroyed.

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Q: How matter or energy can be destroyed?
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Matter can neither be created or destroyed, the same goes for energy

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matter. In one of the sciency laws it clearly states that matter is neither created nor destroyed.

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Energy is a different kind of matter that can be manipulated like you describedAnother AnswerEnergy cannot be created nor destroyed. It can only be converted from one form to another.

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Energy cannot be destroyed, it can only be converted into an equivilent amount of matter. Specifically the amount of matter related as M = E/C^2

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Just as the laws of conservation of matter, mass, and energy state that matter, mass, and energy cannot be created nor destroyed (in the long-term), so too do we say that particle characteristics (which derive from matter/mass/energy) such as charge cannot be created nor destroyed.

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Matter cannot be created or destroyed - it can merely be rearranged or converted to/from energy.

Is it true that substances can be neither created nor destroyed?

It depends on what you accept as 'being destroyed'. The only thing that is conserved is the matter/energy constant. Matter can be converted into an equivalent amount of energy. Some people would consider this 'being destroyed' but the amount of energy is always the same.

Matter can't be created or destroyed but can energy?

Neither of them can be created or destroyed, but converting one into the other is possible.

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They are equivalent, E = mc2. If mass is destroyed, energy is released

Energy cannot be created or destroyed what law is this?

This is the Law of Conservation of Matter.

Who discovered the Law of Coservation of Energy?

a matter that cant be created or destroyed. it can change form but have a fixed volume.