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Apollo missions 8, 10 and 13 all orbited the moon, without landing.

Apollo missions 11, 12, 14, 15, 16 and 17 did land on the moon.

So there were 9 missions to the moon, of those, 6 landed.

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The moon-landing missions were part of the Apollo program

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The Apollo program were the only manned lunar missions.

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the NASA Apollo program. missions to the moon

What is the Apollo and did it ever reach the moon?

The Apollo program landed 12 men, over 6 missions, on the moon's surface.

What is the definition of Apollo missions?

There really isn't a definition of the Apollo missions so much as a purpose for the Apollo Program as well as a purpose for each mission that supported the goal of the Apollo Program. The Apollo Program was a program that ran from 1963-1972 with the purpose of safely placing a man on the moon as well as safely bringing him back to Earth. Of all the missions, two orbited the Earth, two orbited the moon, one (Apollo 13) was supposed to land on the moon but malfunctioned, slungshot around the moon and safely returned to earth leaving six missions that actually landed on the moon and returned safely to Earth.

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No missions in the Gemini program landed on the moon. Only missions 11, 12, 14, 15, 16 & 17 in the Apollo program landed on the moon.

What number trip to the moon was Apollo 13?

For landing missions, it would have been the third moon landing. For the Apollo program as a whole, it was the 5th trip to the moon.

What years did the Apollo missions land on the moon?

The Apollo moon missions were from 1969 to 1972.

What was the name of the NASA space program that was designed to take humans to the moon?

the Apollo missions

What was the effect of the Apollo missions?

The Apollo Program was a program run by NASA whose purpose was to land man on the moon and return him safely back home.

What was in effect of the Apollo missions?

The Apollo Program was a program run by NASA whose purpose was to land man on the moon and return him safely back home.

What is the future of Apollo missions?

After Apollo 17 there have not been any plans for any moon mission. It was the Skylab and the Shuttle program.