

How may people suffer from anorexia in America?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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1 in every 250 people is anorexic or shows anorexic tendencies in America.

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Q: How may people suffer from anorexia in America?
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How many people in the world have anorexia?

It is estimated that about 1% of the global population may be affected by anorexia nervosa. This equates to millions of individuals worldwide struggling with this eating disorder.

How do anorexic people look?

Anorexia is actually not a difference in what somone sees but a feeling of self pitty and lack of worth. An anorexic doesn't see any diffrent than you do. Anorexic people can look like just your ordinary everyday person. They can also be incredibly thin or in some cases may be over weight. there is no actual "type" of image for someone who suffers with anorexia. also, they are not "anorexic" they are people who suffer from "anorexia" known as "anorexia nervosa".

Is Anorexia inherited?

There is no definitie genetic link that confirms that anorexia is inherited. There are theories that it could be an inherited trait. Other theories propose that a likelihood may be inherited (that is, a person may be more likely than someone else to develop an eating disorder based on a predisposition to other factor-causes like depression or BDD). Many medical professionals believe that it is a "learned" behaviour. That is, people with family members who suffer from anorexia may themselves develop anorexia not because of genetics but because they copy habits or actions of family members.

How many people in the UK suffer with an eating disorder?

There is no accurate way to know for sure, but it is know that around 800,000 people (just under) may suffer with eating disorders in general. The statistic states that 40% have bulimia, 10% have anorexia and the other 50% have EDNOS or an unspecified or unknown eating disorder. Adding some maths to that, we can probably estimate that there'll be roughly 320,000 bulimia sufferers in the UK.

How are people treated by society if they suffer from anorexia?

Though it will vary per person and per location, most anorexics feel that they must keep their disorder a secret because it is taboo or shameful to mention it in piblic. Anorexia is commonly looked down upon by most people. It is a disease, but it does not make the anorexic any less of a "good" person, as many people thing. Other people might view the anorexic individual as selfish, attneiton-seeking, "mental" or "crazy", or just plain weird. Anorexics are often shunned or made fun of, and suffer from depression and isolate themselves from the less-accepting society that may have contributed to their disorder as well.

How does anorexia affect males?

Although males comprise only about 1/10 of all people with anorexia, when they do have anorexia they are affected as severely as are women with the same illness. Males are affected by anorexia in the same way as women are: for example, they can have organ failure, extreme emaciation, and even death. However, males with anorexia may not be taken as seriously as women because anorexia is often viewed as a women's disease.

How many anorexics are in the world?

Millions. An exact number is hard to place, as not all cases go reported. Also, many people may die of complications from anorexia, and not the actually disease itself. Of those affecteds with anorexia, about 20% will ultimately die from the disease or from a complication realted to anorexia.

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People near a tornado but not directly hit by it may suffer from the local economic effects of a tornado as businesses close and money is spend on repairs. They may suffer psychologically as people they know may be hurt or killed or lose their homes.

Who is most likely to experience Anorexia?

Anorexia happens mostly to girls. (90%) It usually will affect people between the ages of 14 to 28, but anorexia can still happen outside of this range. Anoreixa is found 95% of the time in middle- and upper-class people, and 2/3 of all cases happen in "Western Society". Many alcoholics (around 70% or so) are likely to face at least some minor form of anorexia, too.

Why is anorexia are high risk for fluids and electrolytes is not imbalance?

People who suffer from anorexia do not get proper nutrition. Without eating sufficient amounts, anorexics are also at risk of dehydration as significant amounts of liquid come from the foods we eat. Anorexics may also limit themselves to water or non-calorie drinks, which means they do not consume healthy drinks like milk. With excess exercise and not enough liquid or nutrition, the body can have problems establishing a balance of electrolytes. Weakness, dizziness, naseau, fatigue, or faitning may occur as a result.

What will happen if the crops are not looked after properly?

There is no harvest for that crop and people may go short or hungry.

How do eating disorders impact one's nutritional health?

People with anorexia or bulimia may restrict their food intake to such extremes that they become malnourished.