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Q: How may polish people were killed in the holocraust?
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How many polish people are in Oklahoma?

It is difficult to provide an exact number of Polish people in Oklahoma as data on specific ethnicities can be limited. However, Oklahoma has a diverse population that includes people of Polish descent. The Polish American community in Oklahoma may not be as large as in other states with higher concentrations of Polish immigrants.

What language do Gdansk people speak?

People in Gdansk, Poland speak Polish. Polish is the official language of Poland and is spoken by the majority of the population in Gdansk.

How many people died in may 1999 from tornadoes?

In the United States tornadoes killed 53 people in May of 1999. 36 of them were killed by a single tornado on May 3.

How many polish speakers are there in the US?

As of the 2010 US Census, there were approximately 570,000 people in the United States who spoke Polish at home. This number may have changed since then.

How many people were killed mount st Helens?

57 people were killed by the volcanic eruption in Saint Helens in May 1980.

How many people died from the Oklahoma Tornado 2013?

There were numerous tornadoes in Oklahoma in 2013, three of which were killers. The Shawnee EF4 tornado of May 19 killed 2 people. The Moore EF5 tornado of May 20 killed 24 people. The El Reno EF3 tornado of May 31 killed 8 people.

Why do polish people celebrate May 3?

May 3rd is one of Polish official national holidays and it commemorates so called Constitution of May 3rd (Pol. Konstytucja Trzeciego/3-ego Maja) which was the world's second and Europe's first modern written national constitution enacted on May 3rd, 1791 by the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth government.

How many people were killed in the Oklahoma City tornado of 1999?

The Oklahoma City tornado of May 3, 1999 killed 36 people.

When is Polish Day?

There's no typical "Polish Day". May 3rd is Polish Constitution Day but November 11th is Polish Independence Day

Why English people hate polish people?

Generally they do not. Individuals may like or dislike other individuals. Burt such generalisations are usually untrue.

Will we all be killed in 2012?

In my opinion no, but some people may believe it.

Do polish people celebrate Mother's Day?

Yes, they do. They celebrate Mothers Day (Dzień Matki) on the 26th May.