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Q: How may such pairs of letters are there in the word disturbance which have as many letters between them as there are in english alphabets?
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How many such pair of letters are there in the word disturbance which have as many letters between them as there are in English alphabets?


How many piars ofletters are there in word ENGLISH each of which has as many letters between its two letters as there are between them in English alphabets?

Three pairs of letters are there. E and G, G and I & L and N are those three pairs.

Which alphabets have more than 26 letters?

Many alphabet have more than 26 letters including:SwedishDanishNorwegianSpanishArabicPersianHindiKorean

How many letters are on the alphabet?

The English alphabet has 26 letters.Other alphabets may have a different number of letters, e.g. the Greek alphabet has 32 letters.

What has letters more than alphabets?

an alphabet is a set of letters. All alphabets are composed of letters.

Is alphabets the right word to use?

If you are referring to sets of letters, then yes. But if you are referring to individual letters, they are called letters, not alphabets.

Which alphabets are not there in the numbers 1-100?

There are no alphabets in any numbers. alphabets contain only letters (not numbers).

What does you call first and last alphabet of a word?

Words don't have alphabets. They have letters. The first and last letters of a word od not have any special names in English.

Which alphabets have 28 letters?

There are a few alphabets with 28 letters, most notably the Arabic alphabet.

26L. of the A.?

26 Letters of the Alphabets

What are the differences between the English alphabet and the Spanish one?

The English alphabet has 26 letters while the Spanish alphabet has 27 letters, including the letter "ñ". Additionally, the pronunciation of certain letters differs between the two languages, such as the pronunciation of the letter "j" or "z".

How do you write alphabets in order?

You can't write alphabets in order but you can write letters in order.