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For a chemical change to occur, there must be a chemical reaction. A chemical reaction would be either endothermic (uses energy, mostly heat), or exothermic (produces energy, again mostly heat). Any change in temperature of the reactants, as measured by a thermometer, will tell you not only ifa chemical reaction occurred, but also which kind of chemical reaction. No temperature change usually indicates that no reaction has occurred, a decrease in temperature would indicate an endothermic reaction, while an increase in temperature would indicate an exothermic reaction.

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A thermometer can help you determine if there was a chemical change by measuring any temperature change that occurs during the reaction of iron and charcoal. If there is a noticeable increase or decrease in temperature, it could indicate a chemical reaction took place, as chemical reactions often involve the release or absorption of heat energy.

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Q: How might a thermometer help you decide if there was any chemical change on mixing iron and charcoal?
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How can a thermometer be used to help you decide whether your observation is physical or chemical change?

A thermometer can help you decide whether your observation is a physical or chemical change by measuring the temperature change. A physical change typically involves a change in state (solid, liquid, gas) without changing the chemical composition, so the temperature may remain constant. In contrast, a chemical change usually involves the breaking and forming of chemical bonds, which can result in a temperature change.

If you are trying to decide whether a chemical reaction does or does not take place when two substances are mixed what kind of evidence will you look for?

To determine if a chemical reaction takes place when two substances are mixed, you can look for evidence such as color change, formation of precipitate, gas production, change in temperature, and the evolution of light or sound. These observable changes indicate a chemical transformation has occurred.

How are chemical properties different from physical properties?

they are different because a chemical change is a change in which you apply heat to a object to change it in form physical change is when you change a form it size or shape but do not apply heat.So you will know the differnce because when you add heat to any object its a chemical change but expccpt boiling water

What is the chemical formula of the compound made by combining calcium and oxygen Use Lewis structures to help you decide your answer?

The compound formed by combining calcium and oxygen is calcium oxide, with the chemical formula CaO. The Lewis structure for CaO shows a calcium atom with two electrons transferred to an oxygen atom, resulting in a stable ionic bond between the two elements.

What are the four questions scientists use to decide if a substance is a mineral?

Scientists use the following four questions to determine if a substance is a mineral: Is it naturally occurring? Is it inorganic? Does it have a crystalline structure? Does it have a definite chemical composition? If the substance meets these criteria, it can be classified as a mineral.

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How can a thermometer be used to help you decide whether your observation is physical or chemical change?

A thermometer can help you decide whether your observation is a physical or chemical change by measuring the temperature change. A physical change typically involves a change in state (solid, liquid, gas) without changing the chemical composition, so the temperature may remain constant. In contrast, a chemical change usually involves the breaking and forming of chemical bonds, which can result in a temperature change.

What question could you ask to help you decide whether silver underwent a chemical change or physical change?

please give me answer

How could you decide whether the dissolving of sugar in water is a physical or chemical change?

You can evaporate the water and recover the sugar unchanged. A chemical change means a chemical reaction has taken place and changed the substance chemically. A physical change means that a solid has become a liquid such as dissolving sugar.

Can you give a 75lb dog charcoal?

As a food, certainly not. As a toy, it would also be a bad idea, because it might well decide to try and put the charcoal in its mouth.

How can you decide if a reaction is a Chemical reaction?

Chemical change is when the composition of your elements or solution change. In a simple way to say it, it's when you no longer have the same elements or solution that you started with. You can determine if a reaction is chemical, by observing the chemical properties. Usually it's when there's a color change, a new substance formed, etc.. On the other hand, physical change is when the composition of your substance stay the same, but the physical properties change. For example, liquid water evaporate into H2O gas.

If you are trying to decide whether a chemical reaction does or does not take place when two substances are mixed what kind of evidence will you look for?

To determine if a chemical reaction takes place when two substances are mixed, you can look for evidence such as color change, formation of precipitate, gas production, change in temperature, and the evolution of light or sound. These observable changes indicate a chemical transformation has occurred.

When do chemical band form?

When the musicians meet and decide to form a band called the "Chemical Band".

When silver coins are found in ancient shipwreck's they are coated with a black crust What question could you decide whether the silver underwent a chemical or physical change?

One question to determine if the silver underwent a chemical change would be to ask whether a new substance was formed during the formation of the black crust on the silver coins. If the black crust is the result of a chemical reaction between the silver and the elements in the shipwreck environment, then it indicates a chemical change took place.

Which instrument could help you decide which coat to wear to school?

A thermometer can help you decide which coat to wear to school by giving you information on the temperature outside. This can help you determine if you need a heavier or lighter coat for the weather.

Can it be difficult to tell the difference between a physical and chemical change?

It is sometimes difficult to decide whether an observed change is physical or chemical because of its expression. Some reactions create subtle changes and some may appear to be physical or chemical until, upon closer observation externally or internally, it is actually turns out to be the opposite.

What is the name of the new your chemical romance album?

In an interview lead singer Gerard Way said they weren't going to reveal the title because he said people "get pissed off" if they decide to change it.

Deciding Between Gas and Coal Barbecue Grills?

If you are trying to decide whether you should purchase a gas grill or a charcoal grill, you can compare the advantages of buying each grill. Possibly, the biggest advantage of buying a charcoal grill is the smoky flavor that charcoal imparts on food as it burns. The propane used in gas grills adds very little flavor to grilled foods, but propane tends to be a more consistent heat source than charcoal, and the cost of using a propane grill is generally less than the cost of using a charcoal grill in the long run.