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Let's look at an animal that has already done so. Moles are not too unlike, say, voles (I am not sure which family moles belong to, and can't be bothered checking. Forgive me) or hedgehogs. However, they have tiny eyes and correspondingly poor eyesight. Underground, you don't need eyesight, so theirs have evolved away. Why waste energy maintaining eyes you don't need? However, you do need some way of moving around under ground. Moles evolved large claws with which to dig through soil. Moles are some of the champion diggers of the animal world. Because sight is useless, they have become very reliant on their sense of touch to find food. Their whiskers are extremely sensitive to allow them to detect earthworms and suchlike. Their fur is very fine with stops it getting clogged with earth.

A somewhat similar creature in both appearance and name, the naked mole rat has almost completely lost its fur, for which it has no real need. Its incisors now protrude from above its lips - it can close its mouth and its teeth will still be sticking out. It uses these large teeth for digging, and since its lips can be closed behind them it does not swallow any soil. Again, this creature has very small eyes.

excuse me nathan, but there are more animals than that.There are:

slugs,snails,birds,earthworms,beetles,ants,centipedes,millipedes,and Spiders.

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Q: How might an animal adapt to living in soil?
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