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Q: How might difference be related to the types of compounds formed by atoms of these two elements A sodium atom has one outer electron and a carbon atom has four outer electrons?
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Does group 2 on the periodic table gain or lose electrons?

they will lose electron to form mono positive cation

Why are electrons shared in molecular compounds?

The sharing of electrons is what makes them molecular compounds. If they didn't share, then they would be ionic compounds. So, depending on what atoms or elements are bonding together, you will have sharing or not. Whether they share or not is more complicated, but has to do with electronegativity and electron configurations.

Why do elements form ion?

Both of the elements will have two different electronegativities. When there is a large difference between the two electronegativities, one element will "steal" one or more electrons from the other element. The energy required for this is ionization energy, and increases as an element takes more electrons from another. My answer: Elements are stabilized when they contain a "complete shell" or the noble gas configuration of electrons, which is usually eight electrons. Elements that have a number of electrons close to that of a noble gas, will lose or gain electrons easily. For example, elements in the column just to the left of the noble gases have one fewer electron than the noble gas next to it, and therefore they tend to gain one electron easily. Elements in the column on the far left of the periodic table have one more electron than the noble gas in each row, and they tend to lose one electron easily. Because the protons contribute the positive charge, and the electrons contribute the negative charge, an ion is formed when an element gains or loses one or more electrons.

The ability of atoms to combine with other atoms is determined by?

The number of electrons of both atoms and its valence number.

Why do atoms have a covalent bond?

Covalent bonds are formed when atoms share electrons --- they both need the shared electron(s) to fill their outer electron shell. Ionic bonds are when one atom gives electron(s) to another atom --- the atom that has given the electron(s) has a positive charge and the atom that received the electron(s) has a negative charge

Is the sharring of electrons by elements to form compounds?

Sharing or electrons between atoms results in the formation of covalent compounds.

What is the difference from an element from a compound?

Compounds are made of elements. Elements are the smallest units of the compounds. Elements are bond to make compounds.

How many electrons does group 7A need to become stable?

In the modern periodic table, these elements belong to group 17. These elements have s2 p5 electron configuration. Hence they need one more electron from an electron donor to fulfill its valence shell to obtain noble gas configuration.The elements in the group 7A has 7 electrons in their outermost energy level. They gain 1 electron to get the noble gas configuration. The elements in the group 7A are called halogens.

Who do elements transfer or share to form compounds?


What is shared when elements combine to form compounds?

Electrons are shared when elements combine to form molecules.

What is the electron configuration for sodium chloride?

Electron configuration is a term applied to chemical elements not to compounds.

The elements in group 7A have one valence electron true or false?

A valence electron, or valence electrons, are found in all of the elements. A valence electron is an electron located on the out most shell of an element (the valence shell). Most elements will have more than one valence electron. Oxygen, or O, has six valence electrons because its outer shell consists of six electrons.