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Q: How might might not giving land to the Palestinians help or help not achieve piece in Israel?
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What are militant Palestinians?

Well that can refer to many things but that would be Palestinians that usually live in areas affected by Israel such as the territories of Gaza and the West Bank and these people take up arms against their enemies, whoever that might be.

What obstacles have prevented peace between Israel and the Palestinian's?

The obstacle that has prevented peace between Israel and the Palestinians is the Palestinians' absolute refusal to accept Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state ... a refusal that pre-dates any other factor that might be added in this space as an alternative response to the question. _____________________________________ One has been a demand of the "right of return" for Arab refugees who fled Israel in 1948. They left (and their leaders at the time URGED them to leave) on the promise that Israel would be quickly destroyed and that they could come back. It didn't work out that way.

Why might Palestinians and Kurds be considered stateless nations?

Palestinians are considered as stateless because Israel has taken their land that belongs in fact to Palestinians. And as America is the leader of the world, as it is also in the side of israel, it doesn't allow Palestine to be an independent state. Israel is trying to take all the land. As for the Kurds, they are spread across Turkey, Iraq, Iran, and Syria without the ability to self-govern. As Turkey is supported the by the United States as well, it has been allowed to deny the Kurds autonomy. Iraq has given the Kurds autonomy, but only because of US requests in the writing of the constitution. The Iranians and Syrians actively exclude Kurds and repress their right to individual expression.

What city do both Israelis and Palestinians claim to be their capital?

Yes, they do. See the related question on why that might be.

Does Saudi Arabia hate Palestinians?

hate Is a very strong word, as I see it, Saudi Arabian people don't hate palestinians, the government also don't hate them. we might disagree, but not hate.

Why did Benjamin Netanyahu say that he cares more for Palestinians than their own leaders?

In his statement, Netanyahu says that Hamas is stealing humanitarian aid money and using it to promote hatred and war... that Hamas is allowing their own people to suffer and die in order to continue killing Jews.Here is the entire statement:"I, the Prime Minister of Israel, care more about Palestinians than their own leaders do. Israel cares more about Palestinians than their own leaders do."That sounds incredible, right?"But consider the following:"A few days ago, the world learned that Hamas, the terrorist organization that rules Gaza, stole millions of dollars from humanitarian organizations like World Vision and the United Nations."Innocent and impoverished Palestinians were denied vital aid supplied from nations around the world."Hamas used this stolen money to build a war machine to murder Jews."I want you to think about that. Let that sink in."Hamas stole critical support for Palestinian children so that they could kill our children."So I ask you-who cares more about Palestinians?"Israel, that facilitates the entry of humanitarian aid into Gaza, every single day?"Or Hamas, that robs Palestinian children of that very same aid?"Israel, that treats wounded Palestinians from Gaza in its hospitals?"Or Hamas that prevents injured Palestinians from getting help?"Imagine, just imagine, where we might all be if Palestinian leaders cared as much about helping their own people as they did about hurting our people. The Palestinian people deserve better."And today, I express my deepest sympathy with innocent Palestinians and those well-meaning nations who generously donated money to help them."The cynicism and cruelty of Hamas is hurting all of us. It's hurting peace."

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What is wrong with the current situation in Israel?

Israel is surrounded by countries that want to destroy them. The current so called Palestinian refuge situation stems from the Arab people who lived in the area now known as Israel and Palestine depending on who your talking to, living as tribes in a feudal type political structure when suddenly the U.N. declared the land as Israel for the Jewish people who wished to form their own nation state in order to protect themselves from the genocidal actions of the world they live in. All Arabs were offered citizenship in Israel but many refused and joined Syria, Egypt and other mid eastern countries in war against Israel. The Israeli army, with help from the U.N. and the United States soundly defeated their attackers and seized more land to better protect their interests. The people of Israel have repeatedly shown a willingness to peaceably coexist with these so called "Palestinians", but the Palestinians have repeatedly rejected anything less than the obliteration of all Jew. These Palestinians have opted for constant war and unbelievably take their own children, strap bombs on their backs and send them into public areas where there are Jews and ask them to blow themselves up so that they might kill some Jews. I am born and raised Catholic and the whole middle east thing is overwhelmingly complex, but this is what I understand to be the current situation in Israel.

Who were the Palestinians in biblical times?

A:The ancestors of the Palestinians were Semitic people, just as the ancestors of the original Jews were. They would have included the Canaanites and Philistines who lived along the Levantine coast on the western side of Israel and Judah, as well as Greek and Roman immigrants over the centuries. But since conversions and intermarriages were not entirely uncommon, some of their ancestors were probably among the Israelites and Jews of the Levantine region, just as some Middle Eastern Jews might have Philistines in their ancestry.

Why are palestinians upset?

Answer 1In the olden days of 1364, Palestine was a large nation of Jordan, Syria and Israel. Then Israel ran away which made the Palestinians unhappy. 500 years later the Israelis were treated very badly and needed a place to stay, so the Palestinians let them stay with them. Little did they know, Israelis would flood into their land and have the UN on their side, which allowed them to become a free nation in 1948. So basically the Palestinians were unhappy because they had to share their land.Answer 2Palestinian Arabs ... particularly those who don't live in Israel ... are unhappy with Israel largely because the entire concept of a Jewish country in that otherwise totally Muslim region is unacceptable to them. Had there been any whose resolve on the matter might have wavered during the past 60 or 70 years, government policy, government propaganda, and the educational system have united to firm it up.Answer 3The Palestinians were initially unhappy with the State of Israel because they believed that the land that had physically belonged to their parents and grandparents should have been there's for inheritance. In their minds, it did not make sense that a group of German, Polish, French, English, and Russian speaking people should claim land that their ancestors had not even visited for centuries. Even by the time of Israel's Declaration of Statehood, less than half of the land within the UN proscribed borders of Resolution 181 was owned by Jews. Therefore, the idea of Jewish State being even more physically expansive than the land already taken was alarming.During the Jewish-Arab engagement (the term is nebulous because it was a conflict fought by militias as opposed to proper armies) of 1947-1949, both Arab and Jewish soldiers committed acts against civilians and tried to assist in the removal of the "undesirable party". This resulted in numerous Palestinian towns being attacked, rapes occurring, and murders on numerous occasions. Fear of further attacks and incitement by Arab Mullahs drove many Palestinians away from their homes. After the conflict, Israel, in order to maintain its Jewish character, has not permitted any Palestinian refugee to reclaim land inside of Israel. Palestinians are very angry both at the Jewish malfeasance during the Jewish-Arab engagement and the continuing lack of their Right to Return or (although less desirable to most Palestinians) compensation for their lost property.Those Palestinians who did not flee were naturalized as Israeli citizens, but they shoulder a lot of hurt over the Israeli actions in the Jewish-Arab Engagement. In addition, they feel (similar to the Blacks in the United States) that even though they have equality on paper and politicians who represent their interests, there is a clear prejudice against them in the job market, housing market, and as concerns education. A famous example was how on Jerusalem's 40th reunification anniversary, there were massive rainstorms and badly constructed Arab sewers of East Jerusalem which had not been modified since Jordan controlled the region flooded up and out of many people's toilets. The same did not happen in the Jewish neighborhoods which did have more modern construction. This angers a number of Israeli Arabs who self-identify as Palestinians.Finally, Palestinians are angry with Israeli treatment of the Palestinian Territories, namely the blockade/starvation of Gaza and the direct military occupation of the West Bank. These military activities prevent Palestinian self-realization and governance. Furthermore, the military occupation of the West Bank is accompanied by a proliferation of settlements (economically incentivized by the Israeli government) and illegal settlements (by lack of Israeli governmental opposition to such moves). This is seen by many Palestinians as a Jewish land-grab and a denial of their Right to a State as well.Note: This is not to say that even if all of these grievances were atoned for in some way or another that Palestinians would suddenly accept Israel as there are numerous Palestinians and Arabs who have vowed to never accept Israel as a valid state for many different reasons. However, the above are the most prevalent and common grievances cited by Palestinians concerning Israeli treatment.

Is it safe to work as domestic helper in israel?

In some of the surrounding countries, it might depend, but in Israel, it's safe.

Who fled Palestine after establishment of Israel?

Palestinian Arabs fled Palestine after the establishment of Israel.