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Q: How might relative and absolute age be used to establish ages in a series of rock layers?
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How the law of superposition helps scientist determine relative age?

Younger layers are deposited on top of older layers, whether the layer is sedimentary or volcanic. Occasionally faults may result in overthrusts, where a series of older layers may be pushed over the top of younger layers. But this is rare. In general, the older layers will be the lower layers.

What is the difference between absolute and relative memory address?

what is the difference between relative and absolute location? It could be the relationship that lets absolute memory relate to anything whiles relative memory is specific. When you remember something and its absolute then it means you can remember by any means so you have trained the brain to remember it by any means while relative memory is related by place or dimension. There is also such a thing as partial memory!

How many absolute boyfriend managa's are there?

Absolute Boyfriend is a six volume series.

What is the difference between absolute frequency and relative frequency?

absolute frequency is a term decribing the total number of trials you did. a relative frequency is the number of measurements in an interval of a frequency distribution. or the ratio of the number of times an event occurs in a series of trials of a chance experiment to the number of trials of the experiment performed. so the difference is one is the total trials, and the other...well it depends on which definition you picked...

What are the differences between galvanic series and emf series?

1)galvanic series is for both elements and alloys whereas emf series is only for elements 2)galvanic series tells about relative tendencies of corrosion whereas emf series tells about relative tendencies of displacement

How many absolute boyfriend books are there?

Absolute Boyfriend (or Zettai Kareshi) is a six-volume manga series.

Difference between galvanic series and electrochemical series?

Electrochemical series-The position of a given metal in electrochemical series is fixed.there is no info. regarding position of tells the relative displacement tendencies.Galvanic series-position may shift.alloys are included.predicts relative corrosion tendencies.

Difference between electrochemical series and galvanic series?

Electrochemical series-The position of a given metal in electrochemical series is fixed.there is no info. regarding position of tells the relative displacement tendencies.Galvanic series-position may shift.alloys are included.predicts relative corrosion tendencies.

In what series does Stephen Fry play a spin doctor?

Absolute Power

What are the three layers of an operating system?

Operating systems are designed with a series of layers. The three main layers are the user level, the system level including administration, and the kernel level that includes hardware.

What are extremes in math?

the first or the last term of a proportion or series. a relative maximum or relative minimum value of a function in a given region.

How many Absolute Boyfriend novels are there?

It's a six volume manga series.