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The names of James's two aunts, Spiker and Sponge, foreshadow their characters in the story. "Spiker" suggests that she might be sharp and mean-spirited, while "Sponge" hints at her absorbent and manipulative nature. These names give readers a clue about the aunts' personalities before they are fully revealed in the story.

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Q: How might the names of James two aunts be an example of foreshadowing?
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Foreshadowing is where the author interrupts the story to give clues about whats going to happen in the story so............. An example might be.........It was raining on the road and it was really slippery, something like that Thats foreshadowing that some car might slip in the wet road and crash or something. There could also be a sign that says like caution slippery road. Hope this really helps you:)

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In "Rumble Fish," foreshadowing is used to hint at events that will occur later in the story. For example, Rusty-James's recurring dream about a black-and-white fish fighting in a river could be seen as foreshadowing the film's themes of violence and loyalty. Additionally, the presence of the motorcycle boy's pet fish, named Rumble Fish, could also be considered a form of foreshadowing, symbolizing the inner conflict and turmoil within Rusty-James himself.

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Can you feed a white tree frog aunts?

Are they your aunts or someone else's aunts? It think it may be considered murder because you'd have to cut them up really small so they could fit in the frog's mouth, and avoid the hair and clothing because that might make your frog sick. Although, I haven't met any frogs that prefer aunts, most will do with uncles and the occasional grandparent. They hate cousins though, they are horrible for their digestive track.

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