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It can raise the price... If more people want this certain brand then the makers will be able to raise the price knowing that people will still want to buy it being popular...

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Q: How might the popularity of a certain brand of clothing affect its price?
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How can brand loyalty affect elasticity of demand?

Demand, perceived value, overall reputation

Why is so much of our clothing made oversea?

Its all about the economics. Most clothes are produced in China. Even most of the famous brand names. It is just too expensive to produce clothing on a large scale in some countries. For example, you can buy 500 T-Shirts in China for $1 each where in another country it might cost $8 each. Things that affect prices such as these are minimal wage regulations, transportation costs, import/export costs, etc.

What is the purpose of product branding?

Branding play a vital role in Digital Marketing. Building a definite product with quality and fame. BusiBees – Best digital marketing company in Coimbatore ,we will help you develop a sound long-term plan for the development of your brand which will form the building blocks of future success. Visit : thebusibees

How much does retail clothing store owners make?

The annual income of a Clothing Store Owner depends a lot on the location of his/her clothing store as well as its size. At the same time, the brand image or reputation of the store plays a key role too. Considering all these factors, the annual earnings of a clothing store owner can be $200,000 to more than $5 million. However, the earning may vary depending on the overall socio-economic situation of the country since buying power of the consumers may not remain the same all the time due to various reasons.

How much money does a clothing store owner earn?

The annual income of a Clothing Store Owner depends a lot on the location of his/her clothing store as well as its size. At the same time, the brand image or reputation of the store plays a key role too. Considering all these factors, the annual earnings of a clothing store owner can be $200,000 to more than $5 million. However, the earning may vary depending on the overall socio-economic situation of the country since buying power of the consumers may not remain the same all the time due to various reasons.