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Q: How might the world be different if Germany didn't exist?
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This is a puzzling question, and I'm left guessing what you mean. When and how might America have had the opportunity or desire to 'choose Germany's fate'? Are you, perhaps, thinking of the Treaty of Versailles (1919)?

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Like all 'what ifs' of history, different historians will have different answers. You could reasonably say the Germany might have over-run much of France, and that the Russian Revolution might not have happened, or might have ended up with a different result. You could also say that the break-up of the large eastern European blocs might not have happened or that the borders of the new smaller countries might have been drawn differently. Germany might not have lost its colonies, even the state of Israel might not have been created. Come on, let's see some other ideas.

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it might have been different because if Abigail Adams didnt write john Adams those letters on how to make the better decisions about womens rights and slavery he might have not let women have there rights but since Abigail convinced him to give women their rights he did.

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People in Germany wear the same clothes than they do here. There is not really much of a difference. It might be some different brands, but it is still the same style.

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A bavarian kiss doesn`t exist. You might get one(from a bavarian) but it`s no different than a kiss from any other region.

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Certainly. There is a chance that the earth will cease to exist.

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