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Q: How much 50000 sfr jugoslavia currency in US currency?
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How much is 50000 sfr jugoslavija dinara worth in rupee?

50 sfr jugoslavija DİNAR KAÇ TL EDER

How much is 50000 sfr jugoslavija worth in US dollars?

34096.55 Dollars

How much is 500000 sfr jugoslavija dinara worthin euro?

100000 dinara sfr jugoslavija convert Indian rupees

How many US dollars is 100000 SFR Jugoslavija dinara?


What mortgage rate can you expect with a FICO score of 550?

As of today, 6/15/06--I would be quoting a rate of 10.5% and 11.875% depending on which type of loan a customer would want. A 30 yr fixed would have the higher rate. Picking a 2/28 arm or a 3/27 arm with a prepayment would give you a lower rate. The lender would want a prepayment (or you pay a fee at close not to have it) as the lender wants to keeps the loan long enough to make some money. This type of loan may require a larger downpayment if you are buying, or a lower LTV if you are refinancing. You may still qualify for a 100% loan but the interest would be about 11.5% You need a mortgage broker that you can depend on to get you the best rate available to you because of the score and what your actual credit looks like ( the why it is so low). You are going to need a lot more informatino that just a FICO score. Income documentation, property type and value, loan balance, mortgage payment history and a host of other factors play a part in this. Assuming a full doc loan with a verifiable 3rd party mortgage or rent history with no 30 day lates on a suburban SFR purchase of around $200k with 20% down, you can probably get down around 8.5%, but there are too many factors to say for sure. The best thing you can do is go to a reputable mortgage broker who can shop the rate with a few different lenders.