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Q: How much Co2 does the average van release per kilometre?
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How much CO2 emissions does a normal aeroplane release?

30 kg per kilometre for a 747

How much Co2 does the average car release per kilometer?

Based on some recent information, in the UK it looks like its about 166 gpk (grams per kilometre)

How much co2 do planes produce in a year?

Air travel is a very energy-intensive activity. On average it generates about 200 grams of carbon dioxide (CO2) (7 ounces)per person, per air kilometre travelled.It also depends on the type of plane and the distance travelled . See link for calculator.

How much CO2 does the average bus produce?

30 tons of bullcrap

On average how much co2 does a boat emit?

double the amount as planes.

How much CO2 does a average car emit?

i dont know do the math

How much CO2 does a train produce?

On average 258.63g of Carbon Dioxide a day

Can carbon footprint get dangerous?

yes. if we don't control how much co2 we release.

How much CO2 can you save if you ride a bike?

Depends entirely on how much riding the person does, and what the person would have done otherwise. If the person is riding a bicylce instread of using an motorized vehicle, then some CO2 will be saved. If the person is riding instead of walking, then there's no difference.

How much pollution does a car produce?

An average car produces about 7700 kg of co2 a year.

How much CO2 ppm do human lungs exhale on average?

It depends on a number of factors such as age, heart rate and depth of breathing. However, on average a human being exhales around 40,000 PPM of CO2.

How much co2 do you lose when you remove it from a paintball gun?

on average you lose about 3-5 shots worth